Part 17

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It took Olivia over a week to think things through and come up with some sort of solution. She had feelings for Lindsey, that much was clear to her. She also had fears now that she knew exactly who Lindsey's ex were. It was her own fault, though, wasn't it? If she had just forgotten about it, if she had just left it alone, none of this would be happening right now. On the other hand, Lindsey already knew something without her telling him, she had found his Stevie. She kept going over all that for over a week before she decided to see Lindsey. She had a plan, she knew what she was going to say, well, sort of, but she couldn't be sure if she was going to stick to it, when she was face to face with him.

The house was a lot messier now than when Olivia left. Her initial thought was that Lindsey was so devastated over her being gone that he couldn't even keep the house tidy. That was until she located him. In the studio, where else. His head was bobbing along to the music that was currently play as he was writing something down on a notepad. She didn't know if the song was a new one of his or not, it didn't sound familiar. She stood in the doorway and he didn't even look back over his shoulder. He didn't realize she was there.

"So, not much has changed." Olivia spoke up eventually, pulling Lindsey out of his own little world.

"Olivia!" He spun around on his chair and rose to his feet. "You didn't tell me, you were coming over today."

Coming over? "Yeah, well, doesn't seem like you've missed me all that much."

"I, uh... I was just working." Lindsey looked away, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "You know how I get."

"I do, unfortunately." Her arms crossed, lips now pressed in a thin line. "I see no point in dancing around the subject." He nodded his understanding and showed her to take a seat. He didn't sit down beside her, instead he occupied his chair again. "I've been thinking about everything and, uh... I'm scared and I can't say that I'm going to be able to move past this easily or right away, but..." She trailed off again, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't want to end things between us. You've made me really happy and I think that there is something between you and I that's worth working on." Lindsey remained tight-lipped. "I'm probably overthinking anyway. So what if there's an ex-girlfriend of yours somewhere around. The most important thing is that she's an ex-girlfriend. I have to accept that and just move on with my life. With out life, together." Olivia added. When Lindsey still hadn't opened his mouth, she grew concerned. "Aren't you going to say something? I kind of feel like I'm talking to a wall."

Lindsey shifted in his seat and cleared his throat to prolong the pause. "Well, I... I wasn't expecting you to just... say all that. I- I wish, I had interrupted you." His intention was not to embarrass or hurt her, but she seemed like she needed to get it all out and unfortunately he let her. "Olivia, I've been thinking, too."

"Oh?" She knew, she was right to be nervous. "What about? About us?"

"Yeah." Lindsey nodded. "Just... not in the same way you have." He gave her an apologetic look, seeing the realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

"You're... are you..."

"I think, it's best for the both of us if we break up." Lindsey said, what she couldn't, at the same time wondering if he had just made a massive mistake.

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