Chapter 9

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I watch as Matt walks in with Sam who was holding a camera. I snuggle into Ben's chest more turning my attention away from the two.

"Hi Ben, Y/N" Matt said with a slight glare. Matt walks over to the bars separating us "I told them that you wouldn't mind"

Ben looks up at Matt from his spot behind me. 

"See look at that he's a natural," Matt says. Matt then pulls a chair over and sits down in it. "So" Matt says getting nothing from Ben. "I'm a little confused now man. You were the one that wanted to talk to her and we came all the way down here and now you're just not even talking at all. That's a nice tattoo you got there. Did you um doing it yourself?"

Ben continues to say nothing as he sits there and wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Okay how about this" Matt says as he pulls out notecards. "We do a soft start. Ease into human contact with some questions from" Matt gestures to the camera "Them. You cool with that? He's cool. Yeah. What is the absolate?" Matt asks. Ben continues to say nothing. "Do you have anyone you care about on the outside?" Matt asks. Ben continues to stay quiet. His head tilts towards me slightly but not enough for anyone to see. "You know they said coming in here. They told me that you didn't use your only call neither of you did."

"She couldn't answer if she wanted to.." Ben says. "And the other is clearly here with me"

"Who? Deb?" I ask.

"You know she's a murderer right?" Matt says.

"What are you?" Ben asks to look over at Matt.

"Not a murderer I'm a YouTuber" Matt answers.

"Yet here you are," Ben says back. "A thorn in my side..."

"Okay," Matt says slightly. "How about we switch gears here? Um, who are you working for" Matt asks?

"No one" Ben answers as he lays back on the cot he was sitting on in the cell.

"Are you under the influence of the serum" Matt asks?

"No" Ben answers.

"So you're telling me you don't work for anyone and you're not under the influence of serum," Matt says.

"That is correct" Ben answers.

"Okay so well it looks like it's a pretty cut and dry case right," Matt says. "Got the guy red-handed. He's behind bars along with his accomplice. Why am I even here" Matt says as he gets up to leave.

"You know you're not done with this.." Ben says "I know exactly how this ends"

"You know the last person who said that to me turned out to be a manipulative murderer," Matt says. "So forgive me if I don't trust you or her"

"I don't care if you trust me," Ben says. "You can see it, just like I can..." Ben gestures to the wall. "The writing on the wall"

"How do you know about that?" Matt ask.

Ben looks at Matt and quickly sits up more moving me slightly.

"So it has started again..." Ben says "Hasn't it"

"Writing on the walls? At the studio?" I ask confused.

"I thought it was just me the first time it showed up." Ben explains "I thought I was crazy like they said I was"

"When did it first start?" Matt ask.

"Seven years ago, after... after he died," Ben says as Matt sits back down.

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