Arc 1: Chapter 5: Icy Waves

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Arc 1: Immaterial Bonds
Chapter 5: Icy Waves

Snape stormed down the corridor and soon became out of view. He didn't tell me specifically where his office is, so...

"Uh, McGonagall... Can you show me where Snape's office is please?" I asked embarrassed, though she took it as nothing shameful to ask for help. 

She smiled before placing a hand on my arm and saying "I'm happy you two are talking again. Dumbledore will be pleased."

Whatever she meant by that was beyond me. 


Snape's office was similar to the Potions classroom in that there were glass bottles everywhere on shelves pressed up against the circular rim of the room's stone walls. Near the centre was a large round wooden table with various potion-making apparatus, books and notes neatly organised on it. The table itself was on top of a rugged square brown mat and two black leather chairs were placed nearby. The lit fireplace gave the room a flaming glow but did little in terms of providing additional warmth unless you stood right next to it.

"Good, you're here. Sit down." Snape commanded a little distressed. Not having any reason to do anything otherwise, I complied and took a space on one of the chairs by the table.

"As a Slytherin has now gone missing, this is a matter that closely involves me. I will help you."

I wanted to ask why he only cared when a member of his own house went missing and not when four other students disappeared but it would only lead to him being snappy. My heart felt conflicted as to if I wanted him around. It's true that I hadn't made any progress in a month but what could he possibly offer?

"Right..." I said unsurely. "So you'll tell me about Genny Roberts now?"

Expertly, Snape pulled some papers out of a nearby drawer and placed them on the table, facing me. It appeared to be a series of OWL grades, most of them being quite good so I'm not sure why he was showing me this.

"Roberts wanted to do NEWT-level Potions. I happen to accept those who receive "Outstanding" into my class. As you can see," he pointed directly to a bold "E" next to the Potions grade. "she received "Exceeds Expectations", meaning she didn't qualify for this subject. Despite her being a Slytherin, I wouldn't make an exception."

"You think that being unable to do NEWT-level Potions is really what made her disappear? I know Jessica Marin had issues with studying but this seems a bit farfetched." I questioned. Surely missing one class wouldn't be enough to make someone disappear, especially when others before her still had not been found.

"There is another reason to it; one I would prefer to have kept to myself but seems necessary for our investigation."

"Our?" I retorted.

Snape looked at me and pretended I hadn't said anything. 

"Roberts was quite attached. I don't wish to think she had other intentions behind her actions, but I do anticipate she was doing it to convince me to turnover her grade to an "O" so she could take my class. Of course, I refused each time." He stuck his nose up slightly at that last point.

My stomach felt a bit queasy. Why did the thought of Snape being with someone make me feel uneasy? The idea of Flitwick having a girlfriend didn't bother me one bit.

"I guess you are the teacher. Your class, your rules." I submitted.

"I'm impressed Ms Homeschooled would be able to understand that concept." he berated but there was something about it that seemed less like he wanted to wound me but instead point out an ironic reality. 

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