Arc 1: Chapter 10: Grains of Sand

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Arc 1: Immaterial Bonds
Chapter 10: Grains of Sand

Everything is so dark... This endless black only goes on forever... I see nothing. I can't move. What's going to happen to me? Someone... help me... 



The sun had fully set and the moon was high in the sky, illuminating the school grounds in a pale glow. The Forbidden Forest stood ominously at the boundaries, creating an isolating thicket that consumed those who dared be foolish enough to enter. The students had long returned to their common rooms and only staff prowled the corridors at this time of night. 

It was my duty tonight to be on the watch for any troublemakers. If I caught either of the worst offenders out of bed, Merlin help me, I would give them a month's worth of detention. That is, if Cassandra and I are to be successful. A type of living magic that marauded one's dreams and manipulated their weakened emotions... to do what? Where were they going and what were they doing? They must not have simply vanished but moved somewhere else. But where? I had thousands of questions and so few answers.

The sound of voices hit my ears. They sounded too old to be students but, nonetheless, I readied my wand in preparation for an attack. It may simply be Peeves playing a practical joke but these were serious times. 

"I am only saying that I do not understand why you keep her around." the first voice said in a baffled tone.

"Because she has more than proved herself to be worthy of our care."

"You have strange priorities, Dumbledore. Do be warned, she-"

It was Fudge and Dumbledore having what could be considered a civil row in the Entrance Hall. 

"Good evening, Minister, Professor Dumbledore." I intervened, bringing their conversation to a halt as Fudge realised he was overheard. 

"Good evening, Severus." Dumbledore jollily replied, happy to have companionship on this matter. "We were just discussing Miss Juniper. The Minister had quite a lot to say on the matter, did you not?"

Fudge went pale. He was outnumbered without his entourage to back him up on any matter. 

"Yes- that is to say- she-" he stumbled on his words. This fool won't say anything cohesive. 

"May I inquire what sprouted this discussion?" 

"The Minister and I were simply having a discussion about his proposal earlier today when we spotted Miss Juniper walk past to go outside." Dumbledore said, deliberately leaving out the pointless drabble from Fudge. "I wished her a good evening but she did not seem to hear me, unfortunately."

"Of course she heard you, she just didn't reply because she was ignoring you!" Fudge retorted.

Ignoring him, I pushed my question to Dumbledore: "Did she seem like she was in a daze?"

Dumbledore thought about his response as Fudge huffed at my dismissing of his statement.

"I could not be quite sure but it may explain why she failed to acknowledge me. Is there something the matter?" Dumbledore acknowledged my concern.

It has her. That's the only explanation. Cassandra wouldn't ignore someone like that and it would throw light upon why she was exhausted earlier. 

"She's in mortal danger. We need to find her immediately." I warned and quickly made my way outside. 

I'm on my way. Hold on, Cassandra.



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