epilogue n extras!

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"no one has ever survived a night in the maze."

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"we can survive."

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caroline wakes up in a metal cage/ box thing, soaring up an elevator shaft looking thing.  she doesn't know where she is or what happened, but she wakes up coughing water, gasping for air. she doesn't even remember her name at first. as the box comes to a stop, the cover opens up and light pours in. she squints her eyes at the harsh brightness before coming to her senses. her fight or flight insticts kick in and she stands up, almost falling over in the process. random people come jumping onto the box, opening it and letting her out. as she sees a certain blonde boy with an accent and a limp, she remembers her name. caroline.

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hey everyone and welcome to we can survive!! this book is soley based off of the movie (except the fact that newt has a limp) . i'm currently going through my maze runner phase, so this book is born! i hope you like it! i might develop a posting routine, but knowing me i won't LOL. also please comment (i love reading them) and if needed, tell me about grammar or spelling mistakes - i'm always trying to improve, thank you guys! :)

ps - this book is only the first movie, but i will def write the others!

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we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now