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chapter twenty three

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chapter twenty three. 

"Everybody, this way!" Thomas exclaims as we turn a corner, running down a familiar hallway. Once we reach Section 3, I start hearing some heavy breathing behind me. Little do they know we have four sections left. "Keep it up guys, we're almost there!"

"Uh, Thomas?" I mutter once I get close enough to him. Close enough so the others won't hear but not close enough to run in to him. He raises his eyebrows as he looks over quickly to me before keeping his gaze straight to not trip or anything. "We have four sections left. We are.. not.. almost there."

"Whatever." He scoffs a laugh as we continue.

Section 5, 6, and most of 7 go by in a blur due to me not really focusing on any of the drab, gray walls. I did look behind me at one point to see Newt struggling slightly with his limp, so hopefully we can find pain-killers outside the Maze. It has to be better out there, right? Eventually, we make it to the final hallway and straight away I hear the Griever chittering. I look down the hall quickly, as does Thomas, and we quickly shush everyone and press them up against the wall.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck whispers, not having time to see it. I nod while Thomas responds with a 'yeah.' "Shit." I so badly want to tell the kid to stop cussing and he's too young, but I hold myself back.

"You take this, Chuck." Minho says while handing the key to the door to the curly haired boy. "Stay behind us."

"It's okay." Teresa nods while tying her hair up. "Just stick with me."

"Once we're through, it'll activate and the door will open." Thomas starts. "Alright, we stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying. Ready?" He slams the end of the wooden stick onto the ground below us as a sign for everyone else to take their weapons out, and I place my knife back into my boot since I know I can't do much damage on a Griever with a tiny knife. I arm myself with my machete, as does my brother. Our eyes meet and we nod at each other with a small smile. "Here we go. Let's do this. Alright, LET'S GO!"

At this, some of the Gladers let out a battle cry as we twist around the corner and run towards the Griever, Thomas leading with his Banishing stick aimed right at the machine. The monster quickly notices us and lets out a screech and starts running towards us. Everyone with a long stick bares it and once the Griever closes in on us, somehow throwing the thing over our mass of people. The people without sticks back up, letting the others stab the monster repeateadly with the pointy wood. Since I'm towards the back of the group, I can only hear Thomas' yells to keep going and not if anything happened to him, which makes me bite my lip worriedly.

"Watch the tail!" Minho exclaims as the Griever swings its tail in the air, trying to find a target. It finds one quickly and latches on to a boy named Jeremy. I try and reach my hand out, but he gets snapped back quickly and descends over the edge of the runway. My mouth opens but I force it shut as I realize that won't be the last time I'll have to watch that happening. I just hope to everything that it's not my friends. A mechanical leg comes in front of Teresa and I, the two of us swinging and hitting it, successfully breaking it quite easily. Chuck flails his arms as the lost piece falls in front of him, which causes the key to go slipping out of his smaller hands.

we can survive - thomas, the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now