Chapter 11

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Wilbur, the crazy girl is calling
herself Chopin

How do you feel about that?

*4 hours later*

What, after the THE Chopin?

Yes, she's been very weird

Tommy, bro, if that's what
you like then I'm not judging

What the fuck?

I know roleplay is big with
the young generation

This is a judgement free zone,
my friend

I ducking hate you


Have you seen the tik toks
where the lady feeds her ducks
iced water? Very cute.

You're perfect for each other.

Well I dunno about that

Have you ever told her that
her 'loml' is a 25 year old

No, she'll probably say some
dumb shit like she doesn't age

Well that's a good thing

No it isn't!

She keeps asking for your

Then give her my number?

I already said you can

But that's weird

Tommy, this whole situation
is weird

I'm aware of that

It'll be funny

Do it for the lolz


Then for the primes?

Chat would love it


Ugh why'd I ever tell them

Now I have to be reminded
of her dumbarse even when I'm

Crime boys do not complain,
we simply act

Remember my wisdom, child

Shut the fuck up old man


bee boo bop

Daily reminder that I
despise your existence


That's rather grim innit

Why is there a blind person?

because it was transition from
cane to wheelchair

y'know to show the process
towards my final destination


Okay but why are you

because i expect everything bad
to happen to me, thank you for

now i'm the helpless one 😫

take care of me

My daily reminder just
became too real.


a/n: ok that last part was very spontaneous and written in like 5 minutes.

hope you are enjoying so far!

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