Chapter 56

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Thinking of you...

Can't wait for you to come
home so I can take you out ;)

*9 hours later*

oh, hi al!

sorry i was sleeping

Hello, Daiyu! That's okay.

Enjoying your trip?

yep, it's been lots of fun

I'm happy for you,
but I still miss you :(

haha i haven't been
gone THAT long

Feels too long

soooo how's life been
treating you?

Pretty well, actually

I got hired as a waiter
for that nice restaurant
I told you about.

oh wow!! that's awesome

good for you!

Thank you

I also ran into May
the other day

oh really?

literally or metaphorically?


She was with some guy

I didn't know she was
a hooker

do you have a problem
with that because we'll
have aproblem if you do

No, of course not!

I was surprised when
she told me

did she say anything else?

No, but she invited me
in for coffee

She's cool. I think we'll
be good friends

oh that's good to hear

look i've got to go

sorry, we're meeting
with some friends

That's okay. You seem
to know a lot of people
in Britain.

i guess i do, yeah haha

That's cool. Have fun.

bye, alph

Hahaha I told you
not to call me that

Bye, Daiyu :)


Daiyu felt a lot of confusing emotions when she woke up. For starters, she found herself in Tommy's bed. The boy was nowhere to be seen, and then she received an oddly flirtatious message from Alphonso (a side of his she hadn't seen yet). She tried to ignore the fact that May hung out with him.

Speaking of May, her stomach sank. Despite promising they'd facetime every day, Daiyu only followed up with that once. It made her feel awful like she was neglecting her soulmate.

After sending a quick text to Tommy, questioning his whereabouts, she facetimed May to catch up on some much-needed soulmate bonding.


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