Fierce Battel, Execution Cannonball!!

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Iruma and y/n went through some harsh training with Opera. Though y/n was the first to finish her training, Iruma had difficulty catching the ball.

Luckily through vigorous training, he manages to successfully catch one.

The twins are ready for they first Promotion Exam.

The day of the exam, the twins were finishing up their big breakfast,"The day is finally here. How are you two doing? Do you both feel pretty good about your chances?" Sullivan asks them.

"We do." the twins say,"Or, that's what I'm telling myself at least." Iruma adds and y/n pouts at him,"Oh, are you still frightened then?" Opera asks,"Well, I mean, haha..." Iruma laughs nervously.

"If so, here's one last bit of advice." Opera says before drinking the tea in his hands,"Isn't that my tea?" Sullivan asks him meekly,"You can consider it a life hack for future use." Opera says, ignoring Sullivan.

"A life hack?" the twins blink at him,"It's an old Netherworld technique to get ourselves through predicaments. Fear brings utter humiliation for demons. In regards to survival in a competitive society like the Netherworld, fearing your enemy is basically tandem now to the feet." Opera explains.

"So this means, the more scared either of you are, the bolder you both must be. Transform your fear into excitement." he adds before drinking more tea,"I said that's my tea." Sullivan tells him, but goes ignored.

"Morning! Morning! Morning!" they hear Clara cheer form outside,"Master Iruma! My Beloved! We've come to pick you up!" Azz announces,"Oh, that's our cue then." y/n smiles before she and Iruma stuffs the last bit of food down their throats.

"Thanks for breakfast Opera." they say and Iruma takes out a hair tie and ties his hair back up into a small ponytail. Y/n hums at this before smiling. She undoes her regular pigtails and ties her hair up into a hight ponytail as well.

And so, they're off to school with their friends. As soon as they entered class, Kalego immediately leads them downstairs,"Victory is mine!" Sabnock immediately declares.

"No, it's mine!" Gaap says,"Let's finish this up so I can go home and get back to my game." Lied whines,"I haven't worked out in forever." Jazz says,"Please take it easy on me." Elizabetta asks with a sweet smile.

"I swear I shall protect you." Cain tells her and Agares yawns,"Iruma sir, my Beloved. Let's show them what all your trainings lead up to." Azz encourages,"Uh, yeah." Iruma says as Clara cheers beside them.

"Silence clowns, pay attention as we go over the rules." Kalego says and snaps his finger to summon another one of those cute monitors. Kalego groans with distaste,"Execution Cannonball, super easy! Check it!

One! Each team should have one person stationed outside the field.

Two! Everyone else stands within said field!

Three! If the ball hits you, you're off the field! It's okay to attack from out of bounds, but please note, even if you hit someone you cannot return to the field.

Four! You may only use magic on the ball! Direct magic attacks on your opponents are forbidden!

Ready? Let's all play-Bah!" Kalego immediately throws the monitor to the ground without hesitation,"That basically sums it up." he says calmly,"He sure does hate that cute little explaining heart thingy." Gaap says.

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