Invite Your Friends!

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It was another day of school that went and came. The twins made it home by the time sun was setting,"Hey grandpa! Opera! We're home!" they announce as the doors open for them,"Welcome home sweet grandkids!" Eggy Sullivan cries out as he tackles Iruma to the ground for a hug,"Welcome home Iruma sir and y/n. Good to see you both." Opera greets more calmly as Sullivan goes to hug y/n next,"Uh, thanks..." Iruma says as he gets up before all of them went inside.

"Wait, we're having another party!?" the twins ask as they immediately spot all the party decorations they've seen for the past week.

Their first day back...

Sullivan had popped a party popper as confetti fell above the twins head. At first this had startled them before calming down when they noticed it was only their grandpa's doing,"Great job with the Student Council work superstars!" Sullivan had praised them.

Their second day back home...

"Twins, I'm so proud of you both!" Sullivan had sobbed as the twins smile at him sheepishly.

Third day...

Sullivan had pulled both of them into a suffocating hug as he showered them with affection,"Iruma! Y/n! Iruma! Y/n!" he had cooed their names lovingly.

And that's what their week has been like,"It's been like this everyday for a whole week." Iruma notes,"Yeah, and everyday grandpa's reaction was something else!" y/n chirps with a smile,"Well, you both had been gone for such a long time I'm just so happy you both finally came home from the Student Council!" Sullivan cheers happily while the twins laugh awkwardly.

"Although... Hm, your last Welcome Party was yesterday." Sullivan states,"What's this then?" the twin ask curiously,"Why, this is your Welcome Home party After-party!" Sullivan tells them,"It's an After-after-party?" Iruma says slowly with a sweatdrop,"Yep! And while we're at it, why don't you two invite some people over? The more the merrier, right?" Sullivan encourages the twins share a look before looking back at Sullivan.

"But who should we invite?" they ask with uncertainty,"Why, all your little school chums, of course!" Sullivan tells them and the twins smile brightly at this,"Okay!" they shout happily with utter excitement.

After Sullivan had practically given the twins permission to invite their friends, both of them ran up to their room to do so. They quickly played a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who's phone they should use, which ended up being y/n's.

"I know he told us we should invite, but..." Iruma starts as the twins sat on their knees on the ground, hovering over the phone,"Yeah, I know. Our whole life we never even invited friends." y/n says in agreement,"Scratch that, we never invited anyone over to our house for anything!" Iruma reminds her.

"You're right, bro-bro! Man, oh man! I'm super nervous!" y/n admits and Iruma nods in understanding,"Same, sis." he says before letting out a nervous sound,"Okay..." he picks up the the phone and start to type while reading his message out loud.

"Hey Azz and Clara. Grandpa is throwing a Welcome Party for us today. Should be lots of fun. Can you guys make it? Though it's probably too last minute." he had typed before wiping an imaginary sweat off his forehead,"Well, I wonder if Azz and Clara will really come." he adds.

"Well, it is pretty much out of the blue. But, it wouldn't hurt to try!" y/n tells him dn Iruma hovers his thumb nervously over the send button, both of them waiting with baited breath as their hearts beat loudly in their chests.

Mairimashita! Iruma-kun x reader: Opposite TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now