Chapter 6: A New Home

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I couldn't remember exactly when it was at first, but I heard a loud ring. Everyone else in my room heard it too, and awoke with a bit of a start.

"Ah, just the alarm clock..." I mumbled in a half-awake state, then felt a super-gentle hoof stroke my arm. Opening my eyes, I could see the state of my room. The dresser with all the stickers from my childhood was still there, along with the closet. Skystar was by my side, and thankfully still breathing fine. All around me I noticed the little ponies and the little dragon by my feet, still sound asleep. They looked so peaceful and cute I felt like my heart was going to give out. Briefly thinking back on how I saved them and even let them stay in my home for the night made me reflect for a moment. Somehow even though I didn't fully know them, a part of me wanted them to be close friends. I did have two close friends, but they were still more of workplace bosses or teachers.

And then another thought hit me: How would my mom react to them? Would she let them stay? And how could they feel happy and free during their time here - I couldn't just shut them up in the house 24/7.

But the hardest question was the one no one - not even they themselves - knew the answer: Would they be able to return home?

"Rise and shine everyone," I announced groggily. "Important early start."

"What early start are ya talking about?" Applejack asked, slowly rising to her feet.

"Are you on the phone again trying to imitate white accents?" came a distinct voice with a thick accent.

Darn, I thought. Mom.

"All of you," I ordered in a serious but quiet voice. "I need you to stay silent. Not a peep. There's... someone I need to talk to."

"Um, who is it?" Fluttershy whispered back.

"My mom," I replied so low I could barely hear myself. I raised a finger and looked at them all sternly in the eye to know I meant business with my previous statement, then carefully slipped through the door.

"Ayy, good morning son," said Joyce, my mother, who was up and reading a book, her blanket neatly folded.

"Good morning to you too," I replied, giving her a warm hug.

"Busy day today?" she teased, pouring some milk into a bowl.

"Yeah..." I began, slightly slow. "About that... there's something I need to inform you. It's highly important."

Joyce squinted slightly. "Is it related to that damn car of yours, or how late you came home last night?"

I nodded slowly, and sat down at the dining table. "I saved a couple of young folks who were lost. They're not from around here, and they... almost got shot."

"What!" my mom shouted, and for a moment I thought I heard a gasp from my room. "You just trusted a couple of strangers just because they were shot?! Who knows if they actually were thugs and staged it all?"

I fought back an eye-roll. "Big flaw there, Mom. If they really were thugs, wouldn't they have killed me before I returned home?"

Joyce fell silent. A slight smile played across my lips, and I sighed. There was only one way to do this, and I had to do it. But, I knew she wouldn't like it.

"They're... not human," I said in a low voice, "and they aren't even from Earth."

I skipped back to my room and shoved the door open. "All of you, come out and please make yourselves presentable," I announced.

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