Chapter 34: A Brief Morning Reunion

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"Thanks for the ride," Nathan said with a joyful, energized smile as he gently loosened the bridle and removed it, while Ashley took off the saddle.

"Ooo-aaaaah, that feels a lot better," Tempest breathed with a smile. "You're most welcome, Nathan."

"Did you enjoy the ride?" Ashley asked.

"Enjoy? Pffft, I loved it!" Tempest exclaimed. "Okay, it wasn't horrible, and it wasn't overbearing either. I got to feel like what I'd been so amazed and baffled by, and it's brought on a new take on things. I think I'm starting to love the country already."

Nathan looked to the setting sun, then to Tempest's blissful eyes. "Alright, let's get this evening session started."

After putting away all the tack, Ashley and her brother ran back to the house and burst into their rooms

"What's got you two in a hurry?" Madeline inquired.

"Just gathering some stuff for an evening session with Tempest," Nathan briefly explained, grabbing his old blanket, a book, and two large floor cushions. Ashley took her father's guitar (with permission of course), and they headed back to the barn.

Tempest was still standing, patiently waiting. "I see you've brought some items. So... how is this gonna go down?"

Ashley opened the stall door, and Tempest lay down on her belly in the entranceway, front hooves crossed, almost like an adorable dog. Nathan lay down the cushions, Ashley laid the guitar across her lap, and the session began as Nathan then opened up the book. Peering slightly, Tempest noticed it had a faded greenish-brown tone to it, with worn-down corners – and a picture of a beautiful black horse on the front.

"Ah-hm-um. I've decided on a spot of storytime, and what I'm going to read today is a very well-known novel, called Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell, a fine lady from over a century ago. Chapter One: My Early Home. The first place I can well remember, was a large, pleasant meadow..."

Nathan read through the first chapter with unbelievable fluidity, barely skipping over any words and ensuring each part was spoken so that it could be understand properly. Given his history of slight slurring, it was an improvement in the eyes of his sister.

" we were well off."

"Beautiful," Tempest remarked with a brief clap. "I'm actually enjoying this story and I can't wait to read more. There's just one small thing though..."

"Xavier!" Ashley spoke up excitedly, as it quickly hit her. She pulled a new-model Google Pixel out of her flannel shirt pocket. "Here. Just tell me what I need to dial.


"Got it."

Within seconds, Xavier was on the line.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"It's... Fizzy," Tempest said slowly, tapping the screen to switch the output to speakerphone.

"Fizzy!" Xavier's voice came surprised, yet a little anxious.

Soon, Twilight and Rarity were there too.

"Darling, it's been all day and you're not home?

"Tempest, where are you?"

"I' a little horse stable, on a farm, just north of Nobleton. Met the fam here and they've gotten to know me too. It's been an awesome day. You know, you should come up here and visit. It's really beautiful."

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