Chapter 25: A Night at the Hofmann's

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With both bikes fully built, Zack closed down the garage door and trotted up the steps to his bedroom. It was a rather large one, with a bed and a large L-shaped desk - full of sketches, drawing tools, a scanner, and a 3D printer, along with a computer and a music box.

Up on the wall was a painting – a rather memorable one of when Zack was just 6, painting a picture of a BMX bike mid-bunny hop. And beside the bed stood a wardrobe, tall and elegant. Just as he was about to change into a fresh set of clothes, the phone rang.


"Hi, sweetie."

"Hey, Mom, how are ya?"

"I'm feeling a little worn out, but great! We're coming home now. I bought a few things..."

Zack's head sunk. Please Mom, please don't tell me you bought fish for Skystar...

"Some clothes and helmets for tomorrow's riding session," Patricia said, instantly laying her son's worries to rest. "And some groceries. Any silly stuff you have in store?"

Zack chuckled. "Not that I can think of at the moment. We'll talk business later regarding my 3D printer and my other big ideas. Thanks for being so supportive. See you soon."

"You too, son. Bye-bye."

Zack figured he'd explain it all to his two new friends when they arrived, and slid into his chair to continue hard work. Besides BMX, he enjoyed creating miniature circuits and machinery with his 3D printer, as well as drawing mechanical structures and systems before turning them into 3D computer models, which he often sold over the Internet.

Logging in, Zack began some simple accounting, managing the expenses from the BMX shopping trip, as well as any payments customers online had made. He was just about to open up one 3D model file of an unfinished part when a key turned in the door downstairs. Leaping out of his chair, Zack ran down the stairs so fast his legs appeared to be floating in a blur. Within seconds he was at the door, hands out and ready to receive his mom's shopping bags.

"How did it go?"

"There were so many amazing things there!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"We saw goldfish, pufferfish, and yes, those bubblefish you mentioned!" Skystar added excitedly. "How are the bikes? Did you finish them? Can I see them? Can I? Can I?!"

Zack had to laugh at the sight of an over-eager hippogriff practically bouncing up and down in front of him asking about bikes.

"Heh, calm now, Skye," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Both yours and Pinkie's are done. I'll show you them in the morning, before we go out. Now let's get a nice dinner going. In spite of a short snack I ate earlier, I'm hungry and I'd bet both of you are.

Zack decided on some Indian food with seafood – reheated naan bread, fried cod, and roasted kelp with hot jasmine rice.

"So where do you work?" Pinkie inquired, tilting her head slightly like a puppy as she gazed at Patricia.

"Aw, you're just so cute, Pinkie," Patricia cooed. "I work as an engineering consultant, which is in rather high demand. It also means unfortunately I'm away from home most of the time. Thankfully I've raised Zack right and he hasn't fallen into bad crowds. In fact BMX has kept him busy and rather productive."

Skystar simply nodded, clearly too wrapped up in the power of the delicious flavor of the food she was eating. To Zack's surprise, she didn't seem fazed by the prospect of eating fish at all. She even loved the bread, devouring two whole rounds.

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