Chapter 26: A Day at AshBridges Bay Skatepark

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The morning sun rose, with its rays of light beaming onto the bed, warming up Zack's face.

"Unnnnnmmmmhhhhhh," he muttered, fluttering his eyes as the sun rays' warmth became too much to bear whilst asleep. Yet as his eyes fought to adjust to the light, a soft, warm feeling from above was making the awakening process even harder. Skystar's tender, loving body was relaxed atop his firm, blocky abs. Her feather-topped head nuzzled gingerly against his broad, well-formed shoulders and neck.

After a good five-minute tussle, Zack finally won the battle and heaved himself upright, forcing Skystar to wriggle off him. Unfortunately, she still clung to him a little, her chest fur catching on his waist.

"Woah, easy there, girl," Zack blushed, quickly gripping the waistband of his boxers. "I'm not sure we're ready for you to make my rocket glow."

"Um, what's a rocket?" Skystar asked innocently.

Zack fought back a sheepish grin and shook his head. "Let's just say you almost revealed all of me by sliding off. Just be careful next time."

"I...can't...Hahahaha!" Pinkie was rolling around, howling in laughter. Zack snickered, realizing that she fully understood his joke. "Well, let's get going. We need to arrive at the park early so we have it all to ourselves for a reasonable amount of time. Why don't you two wash up in the bathroom after I finish?"

"Ahaha...Ha...Okey dokie loki!" Pinkie replied, finally breaking free of her laughing fit.

Still in nothing but his boxers, Zack entered the bathroom and began his routine – washing his hands, face, and arms, before drying them and adding some cologne to his underarms and wiping on a little face cream. Finally, he combed his hair until it was fairly even, though still wavy and sexy like he loved it.

"Your turn," he told Pinkie and Skystar, reentering his room to begin changing. His plan was to dress BMX style and keep the ballet outfit for a later silly antic. Protecting his muscular, warm body with a sweat protection top, he slid on a pair of slightly loose jeans and tucked in the ballet skirt as best as possible, and threw on a long, baggy tie-dye sweatshirt.

Then he took out a pair of lace-edged pink ballet panties, a magenta top with super short puff sleeves and lace around the collar, complete with a cute little bow at the collar's center. And of course, a poofy pink tutu skirt with some glitter sparkles, complete with light pink tights which had a thin line of lace around the ankle line. All were tossed into a small bag,

"All ready, and are..." he announced casually, stepping out the door before his words died on his tongue. Standing before him were his two new best friends, all dressed up as well in matching outfits – pink CHEJI bike shorts (with a hole for their tails) and cute short-sleeve tops. Pinkie wore one with a birthday cake and party streamers design, and Skystar, of course, had a seashell design. They even had their helmets on.

"You two don't need to wear these until we're actually there, you know," Zack chuckled, fighting back a squee as he gently finger-tapped their helmeted heads. "But it's up to you. Now, let's go get some breakfast."



"You got it?"

"Yes, just approaching the GTA now. Give me about an hour. The new owner wants to see the Integra in person."

"An hour?!" I exclaimed, before catching myself. "Okay, I'll wait. See you at the shop. Again, thanks so much."

"Happy to help, son," Maverick replied, hanging up.

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