Chapter 7: Visiting Nancy

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10:00 AM

"So now what?" Rarity blurted out. "We can't touch or use anything, Xavier told us not to touch anything."

"He said not to touch his mother's stuff," Applejack pointed out. "It is important that we respect both their property."

"Yeah, they were the only ones who would take us in even though we're completely alien to this land!" Pinkie pointed out.

"So it's just a matter of being bored out of our minds until he returns?" Rainbow Dash groaned, flopping down on the couch. "I am so done with this place, it is not cool."



Out on the roads of Toronto, I felt much more relaxed. It was where I spent most of my time, and I knew almost every intersection. Today's road trip was different. This time Skystar rode in the backseat, while Tempest sat up front with me. She stood upright, her chest stiff and her eyes watchful, observing every movement.

"You act like a bodyguard, Tempest," I teased.

"I might need to be one," she countered.

As if to prove her right, the number of people crossing the street in front of us was triple what I usually saw during this hour. A little boy pressed his face to the side window, and Tempest glared right back, causing him to jump out of his skin as his mom pulled him away. I let out a little giggle, but deep down I knew the situation would get ugly real fast.

Within seconds people were lined up alongside the sidewalk's edge, snapping photo and after photo of me and Tempest in the car. I had no problem with photos - I'd had zillions of photos taken as part of promotion during my skateboarding sponsorship days. But this was going too far.

"We should get out of here," Skystar whispered from the backseat.

The lights finally turned green. Just as I was about to press the clutch a guy with a large fancy camera leapt in front of the car to take a grand photo.

"GET OFF THE ROAD!" I yelled as loudly as my lungs would permit, window down. I threw the car into second gear and sped off in frustration, slamming Skystar against the seats, resulting in a little yelp.

The guy moved out of the way just in time, and I swerved to avoid hitting him.

"All this time in these humans' lives, and they waste it harassing others..." Tempest hissed, her voice thick with anger.

"Hey hey," I said, softly caressing the back of her neck. "Don't get your hooves up in a twist over it. This stuff happens all the damn time in this city. People have rather boring lives, so anything out of the ordinary is bound to grab their attention. Besides, don't you want to be a pony who's admired and respected rather than be a pony who's feared and shunned?"

Tempest's face fell. "Absolutely. But defending is in my nature. I guess I became quite aggressive in my act of it in my previous days."

"You don't have to tell me about those," I replied. "Now that the trouble's behind us, let's set a mood."

I quickly skimmed through the playlist on the car's headunit, before finding an ideal song.

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