Chapter 38: The Final Preparations

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The first thing I did when we arrived home was check the local news. Nothing about paranormal activity at a park, so I relaxed and settled down to prepare a proper dinner.

"Wow, those look beautiful!" Joyce exclaimed, her eyes wide in awe at the glistening gold of the elemental necklaces Twilight and her friends were wearing. "And I see those gems are the same shape as your cutie marks!"

"Absolutely," I said proudly. "We successfully recovered them. Turned out they were hidden, encased inside tree trunks. But Twilight can still use her powers in this world, apparently, and so together we were able to successfully get them out. Now that they're reunited with their respective elements, I can proceed with the next part of my plan. Just need to go over it to ensure everything's in the right place."

"But, beforehand, we need some energy," Applejack noted, pointing to the fridge.

I nodded and took out some leftover lasagna, which I then divided into several sections and heated up on some plates. Everyone sat down around the table and by the couch, and we all ate happily, savouring every mouthful. For once, the gears inside my mind stopped turning so fast for once. But eventually, they had to get spinning again.

"What's the plan again?" Twilight asked, putting her hooves up on the counter and looking up at me eagerly as I washed the dishes. She literally looked like a puppy.

"Seems like you've forgotten," I smirked, realizing that spell must've taken a load on her memory cells. "I'll discuss when these dishes are done, alright?"

Quickly drying one of my hands, I reached out and stroked her head, with a little ear-scratch, causing her to giggle affectionately. She then departed to join her friends by the sofa, where Joyce was resuming work on an elaborate necklace.

Skystar helped me dry the dishes, and soon we were all gathered around me. I placed a large thin book on my bed and rolled out a large sheet of paper, along with the other sheets that I'd written about my plans on earlier.

Rather quickly and roughly, I sketched out a large hexagon, ad on each vertex, I draw a circle, and put initials inside each one of them:

· TS

· AJ

· FS

· PP

· R

· RD

"Okey dokey loki, take a look at this," I began. "All of you guys will be standing around in a hexagonal format, ready to receive the signal from Equestria that will come to Earth. Tempest and Skystar will be here with me, in the center."

I drew three smaller circles in the center of the hexagon and connected them together with a triangle.

Together the three of us will hold a staff with a large splitter gem. That gem will split the beam into six parts. You all will them simultaneously rotate until everything lines up. The rest of the task is on you, Twilight, to ensure that the signal from Equestria pulls you and your friends up and back through the rift. All the way home. Once you all are beyond the Earth, I'll then break the staff to avoid potentially harmful side effects and consequences."

"How will you build that staff?" Twilight asked, still in awe at my plan.

"From forged steel, sand, silicone rubber, and perhaps ceramic," I replied. "I can do some research and ask Rodney for help. He has a fabricator background and knows the industry well."

"What about the gem?" Rarity added.

"Quartz crystal," I replied. "Pretty easy to find online for a couple hundred bucks. I can get a lapidary to cut it into a smooth hexagonal prism for me, with pointed ends to direct the flow. It'll make me go broke, no doubt, but it's the only chance I have at this."

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