Chapter 23: Shoppin' for Bikes and Playin' a Banger

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"This area seems a little more high-end than Toronto – in fact, much more," Skystar noted. "The housing and the cars, to name two."

"I recognize this building," Zack noted, pointing to the highway below as they drove over a bridge. "We're getting pretty close."

"How about we visit Big Al afterwards?" Patricia suggested, still holding in a squee at Skystar's big beautiful eyes gazing back at her from the backseat.

"Sounds great. Just... don't go diving into any tanks," Zack chimed in with a chuckle. "They're too small anyways."

Skystar let out a hearty chuckle of her own. "I know, I've learned my lesson. But I'd still love to see the fish there – and oooh, those clams and other shells!"

"Are there any bubblefish there?!" Pinkie asked eagerly, leaning so far forward she almost fell out of her seat.

Zack nodded with a half-grin. "But they're not that big – no bigger than my thumb – and also quite delicate. Puffer fish are displayed there too."

"Hey look kids, we're here now!" Patricia exclaimed, pulling up in front of the shop. "You all head inside, I'll go park."

"Thanks, Mom," Zack replied, giving her a quick kiss before stepping out and opening the back doors for Pinkie and Skystar.

The three strode up to the shop. Zack opened the door and his friends stepped inside.

"Whoa!" Pinkie exclaimed, taking in the sights and smells. The walls were lined with parts of all kinds – saddles, rims, tires, forks, frames, and more. Skystar soon had her eyes on a bright sea-blue frame.

"That's a 17" frame," Zack said, gently coaxing her to the back counter. "Let me ask if they got a larger one in stock, 'cause you're even taller than me when upright."

"Well, if it isn't Vaughan's biggest street rider, Zack!" the salesman mused. "And he's got a pack!"

"Ah, Mason. Nice to see you again, bud," Zack replied with a smile and a firm handshake. Mason was the second-in-command to the store's manager. A few owners had come in with dogs before, so Pinkie and Skystar didn't seem to be much of a problem for him. He was a really nice guy.

"What can I help you with today?"

"I'm going to build two new bikes," Zack stated clearly. "I'd like to know if you have any large frames – 20-22-inches should be ideal from my estimate."

"Hmmm, let's see..." Mason scrolled through his database list. "Ah, yes! I've got two 20-inch, one 21-inch, and four 22-inch MafiaBikes frames in sea blue. What size?"

"Size? Oh..." Zack quickly realized what was being hinted. "Got a tape measure?

Mason pulled a small yellow coil from his pocket, and Zack held it up. "Phew! 6'2."

"You're a big girl," Mason cooed, stroking her soft mane. "What's your name?"


"Alright, Skystar, I think a 21.5" frame should fit you well. And some 8.5-inch bars."

"I think I can pick out the forks and saddle," Zack offered. "Rims are up to her choice as well."

After some scouring and fussing, Skystar eventually had finalized her build:

· Stranger 21.5-inch frame

· Chrome Wethepeople forks

· Blue Demolition rims

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