Chapter 19: A Completed Project and A Clever Prank

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"Are you all ready?"

"Ready, Xavier!" Twilight and her friends all chorused.

Since we were running a little late, I took the streetcar to the shop instead of walking, with Tempest and Skystar in tow. As I expected, every single face lit up in shock and wonder, but I briefly reassured them all. The driver was, too, taken aback by surprise, but immediately calmed down once Tempest and Skystar introduced themselves in a peaceful manner. Many drivers would be suspicious of even service dogs, but this guy just let my friends go. He really was nice.

During the ride, Tempest kept to herself, laying down across the front seats in a quiet, solemn state, not speaking a word. Skystar sat on her haunches and gazed out the window, her face alive with joy and anticipation as she watched the world go by.

Leaning out and looking back, I could make out the shape of Rainbow Dash flying along, using the streetcar's slipstream effectively. She sure knew how to fly efficiently.

Down on the ground, Twilight and the others kept walking along at a slightly brisk pace, keeping an eye on the streetcar. Pinkie soon caught sight of Skystar and the two exchanged friendly waves. I just beamed, encouraged even more so to get to the shop and continue where I left off yesterday.

In just over ten minutes, Tempest, Skystar, and I arrived at exactly 9:03 a.m. Rodney had the shop doors open and Maverick was inside the office, already on the phone.

"Hello Rodney! Good morning everyone!" I said welcomingly, walking inside. Garrett, Kristen, and Marcus were all there, along with Brian.

"Hi Xavier, good to see you," Rodney responded, setting down a torque wrench. Upon greeting me with a handshake he noticed the yellow hippogriff by my side in a dog wheelchair.

"You must be Skystar, right? Well I'll be damned, you're a freakin' hippogriff!"

"Hahaha!" Skystar giggled. "I sure am! I know Xavier kept me at home because I was injured, but this should be my final day with these wheels of assistance."

Rodney tapped his chin. "Alright so since you're here, let's find out what you can do." He glanced down at the floor. "You got hands, and a lovely voice. Think you'd be up to handling phone calls?"

Skystar shook her head. "Tracking all them would be beyond my brainpower. Maybe some simple handiwork?"

"In that case, basic disassembly sounds great. Garrett, you've got a new assistant!"

"Uh... okay," Garrett shrugged, clearly not comfortable having a hippogriff for a workmate.

I used a clean rubber band to tie Skystar's mane and tail back so it wouldn't get caught or pulled, and we set to work. Rarity resumed work on the Mustang's upholstery, while Spike helped Garrett and I set to work on the Gran Torino's subframe. Once it was done, we could sort out my suspension and tires, which Maverick had ordered the night before. To make the thick tires fit, Marcus suggested to roll and pull the fenders. I agreed, since many Honda owners loved that look.

"Gran Torino is now fully raised," Spike announced in a mock announcer's voice, jumping down from the lift's support bar. "Ready for work."

Garrett and I grabbed some power wrenches while Skystar held out all the necessary bolts. Applejack and Marcus brought over the new components, and Fluttershy held up the rebuild manual. Together, Garrett, Skystar, and I put all the parts together, before raising it up into the chassis. Marcus held it in place, while I aligned the suspension and Garrett put in the primary bolts to hook the diff back up to the driveshaft. In spite of her leg ailment, Skystar stood up on her hind legs – still in her dog wheechair – and gave an extra boost of support to the subframe so I could put in the necessary bolts.

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