Chapter 27: A Day at AshBridges Bay Skatepark - Part II

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"Ready for an adventure?" I announced excitedly, rushing in through the door.

"Yes!" everyone exclaimed, even my mom.

"Then let's head out! Just... I need to do something important. Don't worry, shouldn't take long."

Running into my room, I reached far back into my closet and pulled out a unique board – one with 9 plies instead of the typical 7. I slapped grip tape on it and attached a set of Independent trucks, Bones wheels and bearings. This would be Tempest's board. I wasn't sure if she would actually like skating, let alone be able to given she's a pony, but at least I had made an attempt to share my world with her.

I then took a spare board and slapped grip tape on it, then grabbed a few tools, just in case my current board broke – I was planning to go all out on the extreme tricks and feats I'd attempted at the pinnacle of my skating prime. With a small package of wax in my pocket, I scooted back up the steps and outside, where everyone was waiting. Twilight had brought along a notepad and two pens, Rarity had brought a sun hat with a pretty flower band, and Fluttershy had a first aid kit and a few small towels. On the other hand, Rainbow Dash and Applejack hadn't brought anything.

And Joyce, of course, had her jump rope, bottled water, and lots of containers of delicious food.

"Is that all?"

"That is all, darling!" Rarity declared humbly. "Now... SWEET CELESTIA THAT LOOKS DIVINE!" she suddenly exclaimed, her head turned to look up the street and her mouth fully agape in awe and shock.

I turned to look too, and smiled with pride. "Well, it's official – the Integra's gone for good. That's our new whip – a Subaru Forester. Do you like it?"

"Like it?!" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Are you kidding me that thing looks AWESOME!"

"A well-conducted trade and a match made in heaven," I replied, grinning at Dash's adorable mid-air hover of excitement. I fished the keys out of my pocket and tossed them to Mom. "You drive. I wanted more room for my friends, but honestly I bought this for you."

Joyce blushed a little. "I...well, thank you, son. For everything you've done so far and what you'll continue to do."

We took our stuff and piled into our new car. I sat at the front with Spike in my lap, while Twilight and Rainbow Dash sat on one side at the back, and Applejack and Fluttershy on the other. Rarity sat back in the middle, and Tempest laid down in the boot, out of sight. Even with all the moral support Twilight and I had offered her, she seemed to still prefer being alone – which I feared would be something I couldn't change.

Joyce turned the key, bringing the flat-four-cylinder engine to life, its low resonant header rumble resonating through the cabin.

"Nice sound," Twilight complemented.

With a well-conducted U-turn, Joyce smoothly shifted into second gear and we sped off to the skatepark.



"I think you've just made your presence really known," Zack mused, catching up to Skystar. "Looks like we've got some explaining to do for everyone."

"Hehe, they were so caught up in their skating, scootering, and biking that they only noticed when the wings came out!" Pinkie giggled.

Zack nodded. "Truey true, Pinkster. Hey, keep an eye on our stuff so no one takes 'em."

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