Chapter 24: BMX Assembly and Breezy X's First Song

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"And here we are, peeps," Zack declared proudly. "The Hoffman residence."

Pinkie and Skystar gazed out the car's window at the home. It had a unique look and feel to it, though that was mostly the lovely arrangement of flowers and a small tree that had been planted in front of the porch.

"How long have you lived here?" Pinkie inquired.

"About six years," Patricia replied. "We moved here after I got a job opportunity. As part of the divorce agreements, my husband handed over most of his wealth, and I invested all of it into the house. Together we've worked hard to make it look nice and pleasant – in fact, Zack plans to open up his own business and I plan to make this my retirement home in the far-off future. Currently we're renting out the basement."

"So... you're on your own too, Zackie?" Skystar asked worriedly.

"Yep. But I'm happy to have a proud, supportive half. And half is better than none," Zack confided, pushing the car door open. "Anyways I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?!" Pinkie and Skystar gasped at the same time. "B-but..."

Zack shook his head, his neck-length windswept hair waving about. "No can do. You belong with Breezy. He's your caretaker, after all. I can come down with your bikes tomorrow and we'll all have fun together then."

"Wait," Patricia interjected. "How about I ask your mom if they can stay here? Just for the night."

Zack turned to look at his mom and shrugged – but not before catching a blush from the corner of his eye. Pretending not to notice, he pulled out his phone and hit speed dial.


"Hi, Zack. How's it going?"

"Grrrreeeaaaaaaaat, Breezy. Just bought around a thousand dollars' worth of bike parts. Oh dear savings, may you rest in peace."

"Haha! You at home?"

"Yep. Anyways I'm not here to shoot the breeze, I have an important 10 second question to ask your mom."

"Which is?"

"Can Pinkie and Skystar stay over for tonight?"

With a cute snicker, Zack reached into the back seat and pointed his phone at the two.


Patricia stifled a giggle and a squee – Pinkie and Skystar were just too adorable! Maybe, if this went through, it'd be a moment of youthful joy and bliss – just like when Zack was much younger.

Sure enough, Joyce's voice came on the line.

"Sure you can, Pinkie! You and your friend have earned it for keeping to your word. Just remember to be respectful and obedient!"

"YAY!" Skystar cheered with a squeal, and Zack laughed proudly, sharing a fist-bump with his mom before bring the phone back to his ear. "Thanks so much, Joyce. And thanks to you, too, Breezy. And to Twilight and her friends, love y'all. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Zack."



It felt great to talk with my friend again. Like my mom, I was a little skeptical and doubtful on whether to allow Pinkie and Skystar to stay over, but I soon realized that I needed to show my best friend that I still trusted him. So, with a little coaxing to Mom, she relented.

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