New Best Friends???

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I made it in class 3 minutes after the warning bell which meant the class wouldn't start for another 5 minutes. When I entered the room Mr.Masser gave me a smile before I walked over to the back corner seat and sat doodling in my note book, waiting for the class to file in and find their seats.
Suddenly my notebook is snatched up and I look up to see none other than Gavin Sanches staring at my sketch.
"That's pretty gross detail there, Carrson." Gavin said As he looked at me and smirked. "Didn't know you had it in you" the charming sparkle in his dark green eyes just pissed me off even more than his smirky remark. He just thinks everybody likes him and he can get away with anything. But I'm not one to tell him off, I'm rather quite around strangers or even people I've gone to school with for 5 long years.
"Someone has request I draw a zombie, I don't find them nice subject matter." I stated so quietly I thought he didn't hear as I reached up to grab my notebook back.
"Will you draw me something?" He asked looking around to his jock posey, who were stifling their laughs except for Zach, who was looking at me with concern, but quickly looked away when we made eye contact
"What would you like me to draw?" Gavin's face turned from a smug, satisfied expression to one of surprise an confusion, but quickly turned back to his cocky smirk. Oh no.

"I want a cheerleader pin-up girl...with huge boobs." that gained him some high fives from his friends and he looked back to me but lost his smirk when he saw me write it in my planner not phased at all.
I then looked up with a smirk of my own. "That will be 5 dollars plus 3 if you want color." Now his perfect eyebrows were scrunched together in confusion. I know why, but I thought I would ask. "Is there a problem?" I put on the most innocent smile I could.

"Are you making you zombie buddy pay?"

"No but that's because I'm friends with my 'zombie buddy'" I stated, putting air quotes for dramatic effect.

"Come on Carrson we're friends, aren't we?"

"No" the words slipped before I could stopped myself. The group of jocks chanted one of those manly 'oh' things, but were cut off by Mr.Masser's booming voice and everyone quickly sat down. Everybody was scared of him because he was 6'3", all muscle with a buzz cut on his dark brown hair and brown eyes on is chiseled face but I know he's a big softy because one time I caught him climbing through the tunnels at the local McDonald's with his beautiful little 6 year who had him wrapped around her tiny little finger.

I sighed in relief that the attention was drawn away from me. I sat back in my seat and waited for class to end. In the middle of class Mr.Masser started talking about are upcoming projects. Naturally I got excited because I love chemistry. That is until he announced we had to have partners... and we got to choose. Most people would be happy about this but I'm not most people. 1) I'm a loner with no friends (except a couple but they had better friends to partner with) and 2) I have a strange schedule that usually doesn't match other people's.

He then he let everyone go to find partners before explaining what we actually have to do. I of course stayed and waited for the last person who didn't have a partner to pair up so they could be stuck with me. That is until a 6' body blocked my view. My eyes trailed up his perfectly toned chest, that you could see through his tight shirt, up to his nice looking face and meeting his hazel eyes that were already staring into mine, there is no doubt in my mind that he is attractive but he's not my type. A huge grin spread across his face after he saw my eyes swarming with confusion.

"Do you want to be my partner?" Zach asked leaning against the desk behind him.

"What? Did all you little jock buddies dump you?" Man I have more sass than I thought. Mental high five.

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