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I got up on Monday morning, after my dad left my room, and checked my phone to see I had a text from Chance.

Can't wait till lunch ;)

I replied back very confused.

What are you talking about, weirdo?

He replied seconds later.

Did you forget about our little game we were going to play today?

Oooooohhhhh. I completely forgot about our arm wrestling thing we are supposed to do today...

Oh, that... Are you excited to get your ass kicked?

Again, he replied seconds later.

Don't be too cocky Carr.

I just locked my phone and ignored him.

I climbed out of bed and got dressed in my dark wash skinny jeans, gray muscle shirt, black loose crop top and slipped on my black Toms.

I decided to walk to school today since the usual humid Texas heat wasn't that bad. So I threw my backpack on my shoulder, grabbed a granola bar and said goodbye to my cat.


"Heath, switch me spots." Chance said walking up to the table.


"Me and Carr have an arm wrestling match."

"Oh, my moneys on Carr." Heath said, coming to sit next to me and slamming down 5 dollars.

"Me too." Zach through in 10.

"I think Chance can take her." Gavin smirked at me putting down a 20.

Man, he sure is cocky, today.

I looked behind Gavin and saw Zee staring at me with a 5 dollar bill in between his fingers. I looked back to Chance and we position our arms. I glanced at Zee one more time to see his eyes had gone a darker shade of green, weird, but I ignored him and looked back at Chance.

Heath told us to go and I let Chance think he was winning for a little bit, but then whipped his hand down on the table without even breaking a sweat.

The football team broke out in 'oh's and handed in there money. Zach, Heath and Zee were the only ones who thought I could win, so they got loads of money.

"Since I got all this money how about we go get some burgers after school?" Zach suggested.

"I'm in." Heath said.

"If you're buying." I said with a wink to Zach.

He chuckled then turned his head, "Aye, Zee!" Zee looked over at Zach. "Want to come and get some burgers with us." His eyes darted to me, I guess seeking approval. Ha, he was behaving like everyone in the bar.

I smile and did a slight nod, and he turned back to Zach and agreed to go with them. The other guys sent them both weird looks but didn't ask any questions of how they knew each other.

Thank God!


Can I have your number?

What is with Isaiah and notes?


So I can get your address for tomorrow ;)

Um... no, I'll just write it down for you.

I wrote my address on a separate clean sheet of note book paper and passed it along with the note.

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