Paying Bills

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After I finally got Zee to leave Gracie in the care of my mom and brother, we headed over to Chance's house where they were very happy to see Isaiah, then we huddled in Chance's Blue Ford truck, where I got shot gun.

Of Course!

When we got to Mack's I said 'hi' to Mack and introduced the guys to Jason as well as made Jason watch them for a little bit while I helped Zee.

I was currently sitting in one of the three training rooms Mack had, with Zee. "Jab-Cross!" I ordered a simple combo, for the fifth time. "NO! You're not defending!"

"It's hard to defend when there's nothing to defend against!"I

"Fine!" I huffed and marched to the corner opposite of the punching bag Zee was practicing on, where there was a shelf.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you something to defend against." I stated as I turned around, only to come face to face with Zee.

He took a quick step back, "H-how are you going to do that?"

"With these!" I cheered, holding up some training target gloves. Zee just gave me a blank look. "I'm going to hold them up and you will punch them." I explained.

"I know how training gloves work, Carr, but how does the at help my defense?"

"If you don't defend yourself, I will gently hit you to show you how your opponent might strike."

"I don't feel comfortable punching towards you."

"Just image I'm someone you hate or... someone who did you wrong." His face instantly feel into a mad expression.

"Okay." Is all he huffed before he put his gloves up. I put the training gloves up and started ordering combos again.

"Jab!" He stepped and swung a jab. I dropped one glove, as he punched the other, and tapped his side. "You need to rotate your arm and not bring out your elbow. It is quicker and lets you defend yourself easier."

"How do I do that?"

I turned sideways so he could see my arm fully and rotated my arm out. "Like this." He stared blankly again. "Put your hands up in the ready stance." He did as I said and I step to his side and grabbed his wrist.

Oh, Jesus, I'm touching him!

I'm going crazy! Why would I be thinking about this?!

"Now twist your wrist as you extend your arm." He did slowly as I dragged his arm in the motion. I let go and stood back in front off him. "Now do it quickly and bring you arm back in a reverse movement." He followed my orders and punched my glove. "Good! See you had more power and you kept your side guarded. Now you have to do that with the cross and hook and that should be the basic punches that need that trick."

"Okay, let's try this then, Tater tot!" He said happily.

Aw! He has a dimple when he smiles!

Yep I'm losing my mind!

"Okay, Curly!" I smiled back.

We did a few more rounds before my stomach growled really loud and we both paused and stared a each other. "Um..."

"You hungry?" He smirked.

"How did you know?" I replied sarcastically, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Let's go get some Tater tots in that pretty little stomach of yours." I began to take my training gloves off, when it hit me...

He called me pretty!

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