Kinda of Bad Boys

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"So Carr, I was wondering what I'm supposed to wear on tonight?" Heath Asked but before I could ask what he was talking about Chance answered him.

"I think we're supposed to dress like hobos."

"What are you talking about?"

"Why would we dress like hobos to go to a bar?" Heath asked ignoring my question.

"I don't know, but that's how Carr, dressed last Friday."

Oh, they're talking about Mack's.

"I did not dress like a hobo! Plus who said you could come with me on tonight?"

"It was kinda implied when you told us about it, and why wouldn't we want to go watch two guys beat the snot out of each other?" Chance asked back.

"It was not implied."

"Okay, but we could still go, we know where it is." He smirked at me.

"I can just have you thrown out." I fired back.

"Oh, YOU could have us thrown out?"

"Yep" I said popping my 'p'.

"Carr, please I want to watch an underground fight." Heath cut in, pouting.

"What if y'all get drunk? You know how annoying it was to watch Zach get drunk last Friday?"

"I can hold my liquor and I'll make sure Heath and Zach don't drink." Chance offered.

"Fine, wear something like workout clothes." I huffed out.

It was Friday and I was exhausted. I've been training Isaiah everyday after school and Gracie would always sit on my bed watching or playing on Isaiah's phone, since Ryan couldn't come over.

Suddenly, a thought came across my mind and I stood up from our lunch table that Zach just came up to with his lunch and stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"I got to go ask Zee a question." I stated simply and walked past him.

I spotted an empty seat next to Isaiah at his table. I sat down and he immediately stopped talking to his group of friends.

They were all kinda of bad boys. they never showed up for class and they smoked. But the were all really tough and I think that's why Zee hung out with them.

He turned and he gave me a small smile. "Hey, tater tot."

"Hi, Curly."

"What did you need?" I felt the stares of all the boys at his table, it made me feel slightly uncomfortable and I shifted a bit.

"Um, I had a question about tonight."

"Oh, Your going out with the nerd?" One of the boys with a similar build to Zee with light brown hair and dark brown eyes, asked.

"No, Fabian we're just friends."

"Then what are you doing tonight?" another one asked, I think his name is Sam...

"I told you what I did on Friday's."

"But, why is she going?" Sam asked, but not rudely. It was more as a curious question.

Zee sent me a look, seeing if he should make up a lie or tell them the truth.

"If you trust them..." I mumbled. looking away.

"She... um... I guess you could say she trains the fighters..." I guess it was kind of hard to explain, what I did.

I heard Fabian scoff and I looked up and glared.

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