Back to Mack's (part 1)

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Friday came in a flash, and I was conflicted with my feelings. Part of me was excited I got to go back to Mack's (HA that rhymed) but part of me dreaded going since Zach had to tag along, and let me tell you something he was dying not being able to tell his friends he was going to watch underground fighting for the first time.

It was the last period of the day, and that's all I could think about also Isaiah who had kept quiet all this week but he seemed unusually tense sitting next to me today.

Suddenly a note dropped in front of me. I looked at it for a second then looked up at Isaiah. He was looking forward as if listening to the English teacher but I could see him looking at me through the side of his eyes. I looked back at the note, full of curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat.

I decided to ignore my inner self, anyway a cat has nine lives.

Are you going to be there tonight?

Wait... Be where?

I mental face palmed when I realized what he was talking about because it was stupid I didn't get it at first, since I was just thinking about the subject moments ago.

Like always! Are you?

I wrote back then tossed it to his desk, all stealth, like the badass ninja I was. He took a moment to reply before tossing it back over the small gap between our desk.

Of course, I have to show you my real moves, last time I was just holding back ;)

And there was that cocky attitude I haven't heard in a couple of days.

Oh there's your ego you've hidden all week.

See you there

He just totally blew off my comment, so I just stuffed the paper into my binder and tried to listen to the teacher.


"What should I wear?"

"You sound like a girl" I laughed.

"Seriously, I've never been to a thing like this before."

"What thing are you guys going to?" Chance said while he slung his arms around our shoulders, stepping in between us as we walked through the halls.

"Nowhere..." I answered.

"Can I go nowhere with you guys?"

I looked to Zach for some help but he just gave me puppy dog eyes, signaling he wanted him to come with us.

"No, sorry. It's kind of a special and secret place for me." I flashed him a small smile.

He fake stifled, "Fine, I guess I'll just lay at home and stare at my ceiling." He let out a exaggerated sigh and made his arm heavier on my shoulders.

"Zach" I pulled out the 'a' in a whiney voice. I know, I know, so immature but I can't stand puppy dog faces on guys, and I knew I was going to cave soon.

"Sorry dude, the leader has spoken. Maybe next time."

"I like being the leader." I stated pointing my nose in the air, feeling happy again.

"Can you at least drop me off at my house so I can go pout over this stupid dictatorship." Chance said still upset, and I felt bad, but he couldn't come, maybe one day like Zach said, just not today.

"Yeah. We got to swing by Carr's first."

We reached Zach's car and I ran away from the boys screaming, "Shot gun!"

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