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"What's wrong? What did they do?"

Zee started to laugh while the other three just looked terrified.

"No, I just wanted you to meet them and explain what ever crap they want to know, because all I want to do is eat these tater tots."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head before walking over to the boys.

"Are you into old guys?" Chance asked me and Isaiah laughed but covered it with a cough.

"NO! Why does everyone think that! He's like a second dad to me, that would just be gross, plus he's married."

"Okay, then, how do you know him?" Chance questioned.

"Stop asking me, this is why I called him out here." Mack chuckled at my annoyance.

"Fine. How do you know her?"

"Can they be trusted?" Mack turned around to ask me, I nodded.

"They are already scared of me so we don't have to threaten them like we did Zee."

Heath's eyes went wide, "Are you actually a ninja? I thought you were joking..." The bartender, Zach and Zee all started laughing and I walked over to Heath.

"No, I'm not really a ninja." I said putting my hand on his and sliding the rest of my tots forward so he could eat them. He was panicking with his childish imagination so I thought the food would calm him.

"Carr comes here every week to watch the underground fights that I hold. Isaiah is one of our new fighters and Zach came to 'protect' Carr last Friday." He put quotes around protect because it was stupid. "He didn't do a good job seeing as she almost got raped but-" Zach cut Mack off.

"What?!" He yelled at me.

"Don't worry, I was there to save her." Isaiah pitched in.

I laughed, "I had to pull him away from you after he knocked you to the ground."

"We've been over this, I was distracting him."

"Can we not ignore that she almost got raped and didn't tell me!" Zach burst into the conversation.

"Stop yelling at her she was probably dramatized!" Heath pitched in, "Are you okay Carr? How far did he get? Are you injured?"

"Thank you Heath. I'm fine, He was about to kiss my neck when I stopped him. I'm not hurt at all but Mack beat Bruce up pretty bad after I knocked him out."

"He only got a broken nose and a bruised rib, I could have done worse but you told me to go easy." Mack grumbled, I know he wanted to beat Bruce to a pulp, but he didn't because I asked him not to.

I walked over to him and gave him a side hug. "Thank you."

"So you're an underground fighter?" Chance asked.

"No but she could be, she's better than any fighter here." Mack said.

"How do you know if she doesn't fight?" Heath asked.

"I've seen her train and she helps all the guys with their technic."

"I dare you to fight me." Chance purposed.

"I only fight for self defense, so no."

"You scared?"

Everybody laugh but Chance kept a straight face. "No like I just said I only fight for self defense."


"Okay, come here." I said walking to the 'dance floor' of the bar, which was just an open area.

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