When'd I Fall Asleep?

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"For the last time Heath, No!"

"But I want to! Chance is so boring!" Heath huffed.

"My mom is going to flip out if I have anybody else over."

"Oh, come on Carr. He can participate in our activities tomorrow." Zach said wiggling his eyebrows in the light of the streetlight over Chance's driveway.

"I don't know... That's a lot of people in one room." I shot Zee a look, asking if it was okay.

He scoffed, "He looks like a puppy. I'm sure she'll be fine. We can even tell here he's a puppy, she'll love it." He smiled thinking about it.

I smiled too and looked back at Heath, "Fine." I huffed, dramatically, which earned me a bear hug.

"Bye, losers." Chance said as he walked away and to his house leaving us in his drive way.

"Love you too, bro." Zach chuckled out at him.

"Let's go then." I said as I led the way across the street.

"Yay!" Heath said running past me with his arms flailing in the air.

"Keep it down!" I whispered yelled at him.

It was about 1 am and Heath insisted on staying over after Zach said he was. Chance apparently had better things to do but I didn't mind because he would probably be a downer and scare Gracie.

We entered the house after I shushed Heath to calm down. I showed Zach and Heath to the living room where they were sleeping and walked with Zee to Ryan's room so he could check on his sister.

I opened the door and almost awed at the sight. Ryan was leaned back in the corner of his room where his bed is shoved. with his hand resting on Gracie's head like he was running his it through her hair. Gracie was curled in a ball, resting her head on his lap.

Zee walked over to the bed and kissed her on her temple them retreated back to me. 'Let's go.' He mouthed and we walked out. "Thanks for letting her stay here."

"It's really no problem." I rolled my eyes as I walked to my room unconsciously, because it's what I usually do. Check on Ryan and then go to bed.

"But it means a lot to me." Zee mumble from my door way as I grabbed my over sized sweater and booty shorts from my dresser.

"I'm glad to help." I turned around to smile at him. I could see the pain in his eyes as he was thinking about what happened to his family. I dropped my things on my bed and went to hug him, quickly.

He hugged me tightly, tucking his face in the crook of my neck. I hugged his waist tighter and trying my best to comfort him. "I'm so sorry." I whispered so softly I didn't think he heard me but he did.

"Why?" he asked pulling away slightly so he could look at my face but left his arms around my waist. Where they belong.

Oh my goodness! My brain needs to stop!

"You didn't have anyone there for you when this happened, did you?" I asked as I stared into his green eyes as he stared into mine. He slowly shook his head 'no' and I hugged him again and rested my head on his chest.

He hugged me back for a while then mumbled, "Can we talk about something else for a bit?"

I completely understood. If I didn't get my head positively thinking before bed I would probably stay up for hours getting more and more depressed or get really pissed and start throwing things. "Sure, let me change real quick." I said and went to the hall bathroom to change without giving him a chance to respond.

I actually needed to pee because I honestly couldn't hold my bladder much longer.

I went back to my room and found Zee sitting on the edge of my bed, staring intensely at the wall.

"What'd that wall ever do to you?" I asked with a laugh as I on my bed where the pillows are while he was at the end.

His head snapped and he smiled lightly while rolling his eyes. When he didn't make a move to talk I started, "So, what'd you want to talk about."

He shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well, isn't that just helpful." I mumbled sarcastically. "Let's just play 20 questions. I don't know much about you and yet here you are sleeping at my house." I gestured around.

He chuckled and we started talking about our favorite things and memories.


I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up hearing giggling. I groaned and tried to roll over, only to stop when the pillow I was rolling into turned out to be someones very firm and very warm, clothed chest. i then tried too shoot up from my spot only to once again be stopped but this time it was the strong arm around my waist.

I slowly turned my gaze up to see a half asleep Isaiah, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. "Morning, Tater tot." He said with the most sexy morning voice ever while giving me a lazy smile.

I swear I'm about to melt!

I'm going insane!

"Morning, Curly." I mumbled as we started to stare in each other's eyes again.

"Sissy!" and "Bubba!" were screamed simultaneously right before weight was on top of me. When I tried to move I realized what position I was in. My legs were intertwined with Isaiah while I was almost completely on top of him with my arms around his torso, and now two 7 year old's were on top of me.

"Can't... Breathe." Zee breathed out.

"Baby, get off, your crushing both of us." Ryan mumbled about being called baby while climbing down and getting Gracie off. I untangled from Zee while blushing then hopped off my bed and grabbed Ryan, twirling him around. "Morning, baby." I said was I stopped turning and kissed all around his face.

"Stop." He grumbled.

"Not until I get a kiss back." I said in a sing song voice. He kissed my cheek and tried to get away but I stopped him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He grumbled and pulled away successfully. I heard giggling and looked up to see Zee and Gracie watching us while they sat on my bed, Gracie in her brother's lap.

I laughed and poked Ryan's cheek, "Come on, smile. We still need to make breakfast." His face lit up and he smiled at me. "Let's get cooking."


So this is not the update I set out to type but I think it's pretty good! (Maybe....) The next update will probably be about their girls day, so I hope you enjoy and I apologize for the slow updates but I'm trying.

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