The Lunch (dun dun duun!)

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After I kissed my dad goodbye, I went into the kitchen to get my breakfast and was not so surprised by the list of chores that my step mom so kindly wrote to remind me of all the things she asked me to do after dinner last night.

Starting the day off great, I just love too be pissed off in the morning.

I pushed the list to the side with a grunt, and got a bowl of Coco Puffs, eating it slowly as I scrolled through the endless pictures on Instagram. I absent mindlessly like everyone of them while I was thinking about lunch today, it was going to be painfully awkward for me to just sit there, they probably weren't even going to talk to me, and I find any silent situation frustrating, because I over think every thing, like now, hilarious, or awkward.

I checked the time and then walked out of the house, hollering at my cat on the way out. Yeah, I'm one of those weirdos who talks to their pets , but I could careless.


I walked out of the lunch line, ducking my head and walking quickly to my normal table. Unfortunately, some people had a different idea, I was picked up by Chance and Zach, each one grabbed one arm and I was hovering a little over the floor while being carried towards their table.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I was going to go, eat my lunch and be happy but I guess you had to come and ruin it." I retorted, ignoring all the weird glances from people, because I would be looking at me weird to. I mean who wouldn't look at a weird quiet girl being carried by two reasonably attractive and popular guys.

Chance chuckled from besides me, "Come on man, if she doesn't want to sit with us, we can't make her."

"Thank you." I was beaming and holding my head up high with hope of getting out of this, but they didn't put me down.

"But she promised!" Zach pouted like a child, he even stomped his foot. Chance and I both laughed, but I soon stopped when they put me down in a chair and sat on either side of me. Every muscle went tense in my body while I slowly lowered my tray.

Oh my purple flying unicorns, why did Zach have to force me here? I don't want to be at the popular jock table. There were like three girls who sat here and they were whores who slept or flirted with every guy on team. Then there was the jocks half of them were jackasses and they were all perverted.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand waving in front of my face. "What's wrong with your girlfriend?" I looked up and glared at a Jock, I think his name is Heath, he was reasonably attractive, dirty blonde hair with blue eyes that made most girls swoon. Not me, I just kept glaring. I don't like when anything is put in my face, it made me jumpy and gave me a headaches for some reason.

"I've explained this, we are just friends." Zach huffed stuffing a curly fry in his mouth. I smiled at his frustration and jabbed his side so he would look at me.

"This is what you get for making me eat here." I said a teasing tone, softly so only he could hear me.

"It's worth it." he started to smile again.

"Why isn't she talking to us?" Heath persisted.

Maybe she doesn't like you, jackass. I thought but decided against it.

"She is right here," I said, a little peeved that he was acting like I wasn't there.

"and maybe I'm just not talkative." Chance laughed and tried to hide it with a cough.


"Is something funny?" I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"After you get past the shy exterior and give you some food, you talk quite a lot."

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