Why Me?

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UGH! Is all I could think as my alarm rang. I just hate monday's, plus I stayed up last night going over my notes, organizing them, and making more notes on how the fighters at Mack's could improve because I couldn't go to sleep.

I reached over to turn off my alarm, snuggled back up in a ball, and just laid there for a while, I wasn't worried about going back to sleep because I never could even if tried. After a good two minutes deep in thought I rolled of my bed and walked into my closet. I decided to go for a nice look, instead of my normal tired Monday look, which consisted of dark washed skinny jeans and a loose dark gray shirt that hung off my shoulders with a black tank top underneath. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my very little make-up and arrange my wavy hair. It was times like this that I appreciated being my dad's only child because I could just leave all my stuff sprawled across the counter since I didn't have to share it with a brother or sister.

When I made my way downstairs, my dad stood up and gave me a kiss goodbye, he always waited for me before he went to work. I went to the kitchen, grabbed the half cantalope out of the fridge and spoon, and went to sit on the couch till my bus came.


"Hey bestie!" Zach shouted as I turned the corner and saw he was standing in front of my locker.

I received a couple weird looks when they realized he was talking to me but I chose to ignore them, I'm used to it because Ellie was always really loud so it was like old time, "Hey!"

"Looks like someone's in a good mood this morning."

"Yeah, I guess so. How was your weekend?"

"Well I spent most of it with this weirdo girl and her crazy brother," he sent me a wink as I pushed him away from my locker, "So it was pretty awesome."

"Well I spent my weekend with an idiot, who became my best friend." I turned to him and flashed him a smirk before I turned back to my locker to get my notebooks for my morning classes.

"Speaking of idiots, Gavin was talking about that drawing you promised him and is probably going to talk to you about it in first period."

"Shit." I muttered because I totally forgot about Gavin.

"I can tell him to back off if you want."

"No, I'm fine. I just forgot about that stupid drawing but I can deal with him." And with that I shut my locker, turned around and started walking down the hall. An arm appeared around my sholder but I didn't jump this time because I was kind of expecting it. "Why must you put your arm on me?"

"Do I smell that bad?" Zach lifted up his other arm and smelled his armpit.

I put my hand of my mouth to cover my laugh, "No, it's just... your arms really heavy."

"It's all this muscle, here I'll just hover my arm." he lifted his arm up slightly.

"I still want to know why you insist on putting your arm around me."

"Well when you talk it's kind of soft sometimes so I need be close to hear you. I can't hold your hand or people will get the wrong idea, I also can't hold you by the waist for the same reason." we reached the class and walked in while we both greeted Mr.Masser.

"Well, when you put it like that I can't stop you." I said in a very sarcastic tone as I sat in my desk.

"You couldn't if you tried." I looked over to see him smiling victoriously.

"Well, someone wore their ego today." I scoffed pulling out my sketch book so I could get started on Gavin's pinup girl.

"Doesn't it look flattering?" He stuck his nose up in the air and popped the white collar on his varsity jacket.

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