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"Hey, Ryan! Who's your friend?" Victoria asked just as me and Isaiah walked out of my room.

Gracie was practically on Ryan's lap and curled in a ball, while Ryan wrapped his arms around her and looked worried because she was breathing heavy and was trembling.

Isaiah raced over and sat right by them, but Ryan wouldn't let her go, so Isaiah just stroked her back and spoke soothing words about how she was safe and he wouldn't let anything happened to her. She slowly calmed down and her breathing became normal.

"Carrson...?" I whipped my head to the side to see a terrified look on Victoria's face.

"Oh, um this is my friend, Isaiah, and his little sister, Gracie." I said awkwardly.

"What just happened?" She asked still looking terrified.

I pulled her down the hall a bit before I spoke, "I think they've been through something pretty bad, and Gracie has panic attacks, which I'm guessing is what that was."

She took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "Why did she panic when I came in?"

"I think it's just because you were a stranger and she didn't have her brother there to protect her, but it probably would have been worse if Ry wasn't there."

"Okay, now that that's settled, Why are they here?"

"Isaiah needed help with his... homework, and Gracie doesn't like being without her brother so she came along."

"Next time tell me, before you bring people over."

"Yes mam."

"Why don't you invite them to dinner?"

"They probably need to go home..." I trailed off.

"Nonsense, just invite them. Ryan seems to like the little girl, I'm sure he won't mind if they stay."

"Fine." I huffed and turned back down the hallway.

I don't know why but I felt weird about having Isaiah eat dinner here. But I kinda wanted him to.

What am I saying?!

"Hey, curly, You want to stay for dinner, we're having pork chops and macaroni and cheese."

"Ooo, Macaroni!" Gracie chanted from in between Ryan and Isaiah.

"I guess that answers your question." Isaiah said, not turning away from the game Ryan set up so they could both play, but I could hear the smile on his face.

"Alright, I'll tell Vic. Gracie, do you want to do something girly while we wait for dinner?"

She looked up a Isaiah and nodded and kissed her head. She got up and shyly walked over to me.

"What do you want to do?" I said as I kneeled down so I was eye level with her. "We could paint our nails or do make overs or watch a movie?" She pulled her lips in her mouth and thought about it. She smiled shyly and pointed to her nails.

I guess she's not going to talk to me.

"Okay, let's go to the bathroom and you can pick out a color." I smiled and stood up, leading her to the bathroom.

I opened one of the bottom cabinets to reveal a display rack of nail polish. I rarely paint my nails but Vic always bought me some so now I have every color and every shade of nail polish.

"Wow!" I turned around and giggled at Gracie's amazed expression.

"What color do you want?" She looked at me for a moment, smiling, before she turn back to the cabinet.

Jab-Cross-...Kiss?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora