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I woke up feeling a hand on the curve of my hip, so I opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light. When I looked down I noticed the hand belonged to Zach, who I was still snuggled to his chest in a relaxed sitting position.

I looked around the room and saw Heath was curled up in a ball on the chair, looking adorable, he was constantly reminding me of a child, he was just so precious and innocent. Next I saw Chance sprawled out on the floor, looking like he passed out drunk, his mouth was even open letting out light snores.

I got up slowly removing Zach's hand, he shuffled a little, stretching out across the long couch but didn't wake up, so I headed to my room.

It was early but I could hear the shower running down stairs, which meant Victoria was up but I stayed up stairs. I stripped from my pj's and put on my floral spaghetti strap sundress.

I then headed to he bathroom and plugged in my straightener, don't get me wrong, I love my wavy hair but it was being frizzy and It looked good straitened with my dress. I did my makeup lightly while waiting for the flat iron to heat up, then began the long process of putting my hair in messy buns, letting a little more hair down every time I re-do the bun.

I was in the middle of the process, with half my hair up and half of it down, when I heard footsteps enter the bathroom.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." Heath grumbled.

"Aw, is little baby Heath not a morning person?"

He straightened up making his body tower over me, "I'm not little or a baby." He tries to intimidate me but I've already seen his adorable side, so it has no effect.

"But you are just so cute and innocent." I pinch his cheek, and he scrunches his face up.

"Stop, you're acting like my me-maw." Aw, he's a grandma's boy too, does his adorableness ever end? "Can you leave, I need to use he bathroom?"

"Do you mean the little boy's room?" I smirk, he huffs and pushes me out the door.

I guess he really needed pee.

He finally opened the door which I was patiently waiting in front of. "What can I steal from your kitchen for breakfast?"

"We get donuts on Sunday mornings." I say cheerfully, thinking about the delicious pastries.

"Okay, so what do I do, since they are sleeping?" He points to the boys who are down the small hallway still.

"Um... I guess talk to me while I finish my hair." I have learned that I do not hate Heath, he was just a little cocky at first but now he's so sweet and full of happiness.

"Okay." He said as he turned around. He hopped on the counter by the sink I wasn't using, since I had a Jack and Jill bathroom. "So..." Heath started.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Um, how about you?"

"What about me?" I raise my eyebrows and looking at him amused, through the mirror as I continued straitening my hair.

"Where's your old friend, Ellie?" My face instantly dropped at the mention of her.

"Well that's not about me, but she left to go to a dancing school, and hasn't talked to me lately since she is so busy. But I mean she could at least text me or something, But Nooooo, she's some big shot dancer now, oh my god what if she's met someone. what if she's pregnant?!?" I dropped my straightener half way through my rant and was facing Heath now.

He jumped down from the counter and embrace me in one of the best hugs of my existent. It was just so warm and gentle, yet strong and comforting. He pulled away leaving his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, but I thought she was a lesbian?" Heath asked with his eyebrows scrunched together, like a confused puppy.

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