Back to Mack's (part 2)

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"Bruise! What is wrong with you?"

I knelt down the now groaning Isaiah. "Are you okay Zee?"

"Hey, he attacked me." Bruise defended himself.

I stood back up anger rushing through my vains. "After you pinned me up against the wall, he was just helping me! And if he didn't come out with in the next minute you're the one that would be on the ground right now!" I shouted the whole time, I was pissed.

"Oh Carr, you want me as much as much as I want you." And now I was pinned up against the wall again.

"Bruise if you don't let me go right now, I swear-"

"Come on Carr." His hands moved to my waist and I flinched.

"Bruise I really don't want to hurt you."

He completely ignored me as he moved is head toward the crook of neck.

I grabbed his right arm and twirled behind him, pressing his thumb in between his shoulder blades. He struggled to get out of my gripped and when he was about to succeed I whipped him back around, he was probably dizzy do to the spinning plus the alcohol, and then hit him with a hard right uppercut, He instantly fell to the ground.

I looked over to Isaiah who had wide eyes as he looked at me but was still clutching his stomach and I could barely see a bruise forming on his jaw.

"I'll be right back, stay."

"Aye! Don't treat me like a dog!" He winced in pain again. Obviously it hurt him to yell much less talk.

"I'm sorry. Just... don't go anywhere, please."

I ran inside before he could answer or retaliate, and grab a towel and put some ice in it. I had to yell back at Mack to tell him I was fine and I'd be back in a couple minutes to explain, because he was eyeing me with concerned, looking for any damage on me.

When I got back outside Bruise was still passed out and Isaiah was still sitting on the floor but now he had his head leaned back against the wall and his eyes closed.

I walked up slowly and held the ice on his face with care. He flinched away, opened his eyes and winced in pain again, before he leaned into it.

We just sat there in really awkward silence for what felt like forever.

"Thank you... for you know, trying to save me."

"It was no problem, just saving damsels in destress." He chuckled lightly, trying to hide the pain.

"Well I'm no damsel, plus you epically failed."

"I did not. Can't you see that he is now unconscious on the ground right there and you don't have a single scratch on you."


"You got punched in the face, kicked in the stomach and then you fell to the ground. I had to practically save you." I deadpanned.

"It's called stalling, duh."

"So let me get this straight, You came out here so you could get beat up to distract Bruise from the position he was in, so he could get back in the exact same position and I could beat him up?"

"Yep." He popped the 'p' with a cocky smirk on his face. I decided to go along with it.

"Oh, you are so smart and brave. How could I ever repay you?" That statement was filled with so much sarcasm that a 3 year old would get it, but apparently a drunken Isaiah is less aware than a small child.

"You can teach me how to fight. I mean help me to improve the whole defense thing you keep going on about, plus how to get as much power as you had during that uppercut."

Jab-Cross-...Kiss?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora