It's Gonna Be You

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Huge chapter ahead 😬

Third Person's Pov

Helping in arranging a party is a fucking tiring job! Jin realised this for the nth time in the span of 3 hours. He was ofcourse happy as frick when first heard the news and had actually volunteered to set up the party but now he was not so sure. Don't get him wrong, he loved Jimin and all but Jimin could be a real prick when he went in his 'all clean mode'.

"Jin make sure your room is clean!" Jimin's voice rang out to him again making Jin groan out loud.

"Jimin why the hell would anyone come in my room!?" He yelled back.

"Just do it!"

Jin rolled his eyes and cursed him under his breath as he trugded towards his room which as usual was a mess.

"At this rate I'll have no fucking energy left in me to actually enjoy the party." He grumbled judging the huge pile of clothes flooding his bed.

Promising himself a pack of jellies after, Jin separated the dirty clothes from the clean ones, shoved the clean pile into his wardrobe, pushed the dirty ones in the laundry basket and begrugdingly dragged it out of his room to the washing machine.

He hopped on the kitchen counter and as promised grabbed an already half finished pack of jellies and munched on them, humming as his tastebuds sang in appreciation.

A small ping of his phone brought him down from his high, Jin grabbed his phone from where it was lying near the stove and unlocked it. It was Hobi confirming the address. He typed back his address, asked him how much was left for him to reach, turned off his phone and hopped down from the counter but not before popping one last jelly in his mouth.

"Jin! Mrs. Soo is here! Grab her some water will you!?" Jimin called out to him for the nth time that day.

"Coming!" Jin quickly fished out a glass from the kitchen cabinets and filled it with lukewarm water. He placed the glass on a tray and made his way to the living room.

"Thank you Seokjin-ah." Mrs. Soo smiled. No matter how weird and pervert-ish she could be with her words sometimes, Jin always thought her to be the most sweetest old lady he had ever come across, after his grandmother ofcourse.

And Jin wasn't exactly unfamiliar at dealing with pervert-ish old people.

But he however was shocked to see three more people beside Mrs. Soo seated on the couch. "Hi Seokjin!" Jae-won chirped happily as soon as he saw Jin.

"Hey Jaewon...everything good?" He asked with a knowing glint in his eyes as he stared at Jae-won and Jungkook, who blushed and ducked his head.

"Hey Jin." Jin gulped thickly as the painfully familiar deep baritone voice reached his ears.

"H-hey Taehyung." He muttered back not meeting the other's eye, his ears  heating up. "I-I'll be right back." He announced and hurried back into the kitchen.

'What the fuck are you doing Kim Seokjin!? You're supposed to confess to him, not make a fool out of yourself!!'

"Why are you avoiding me?" Jin jumped violently as Taehyung suddenly spoke behind him.

"You scared me! Don't sneak up on me."

"It's something I did, isn't it hyung?" Taehyung spoke quietly with his head hung down looking absolutely heartbroken. Jin wanted to smack himself for making the younger feel so miserable.

"It's not you Taehyung." Jin breathed out, his heart swelling as soon as he met those saddened bear eyes.
"It's me." He admitted timidly.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, confusion evident in his voice.

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