So it begins... (0.5)

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Note: This chapter is based on the video by Skeppy called, "Being really clingy to BBH to confuse him" but different. So.. Ya!

Brand new day! With a yawn Bad got up, "Hi Lucy Lu!" Lucy barked as she got pet contently.
Bad was more of a morning person, what's not to like? The birds are chirping, -if you live in an area were there are- the suns up, and you have a new day to do fun stuff!
*Ring* *Ring* Huh? Oh, and morning calls from Skeppy.

Bad had gotten a new phone and had forgotten to change his ring tone, gotta fix that he thought.
"Hello?" "Ya, Skeppy?" Bad said already used to these types of calls.
"Oh! Good, good your awake! Umm, anyways you wanna play some Minecraft? I've got a sick new video idea but I need to set it up." Skeppy said it quite urgently, but when is he not?

Bad was hoping to go on a walk with Lucy and get some fresh air.. But..
"Ya, ya I'll hop on. What's it gonna be on?" He said already at his computer loading up the game.
When it came to Skeppy he couldn't really say no.

"Minecraft, duh." He heard on the other line. Skeppy could be such a muffin some times.
"Skeppy! You know what I mean!" Bad said in a whiny voice. "Ok, ok! It's on, um.. The- the island we were working on like, 3 days ago. Also- um, what's going on with your voice? It was like really low, and then like, really high pitched, lol." Skeppy couldn't help but notice these things.

Bad's voice went from being super soft and relaxed to being really high and energetic.
"Oh, I don't know. Morning voice or something. And also, Skeppy you get me really annoyed some timess~!"
Back to being super high pitched at the end.
A, 'hmp' could be heard on Skeppys end.
"Ya whatever. Just hop on."

So that's what Bad did.
Lucy looked up at Bad. "Skeppy can be such a muffin sometimes. Right Lucy?" She barked in response.
"Oh! Is Rat there?! Hay Rat! Your know your a-!"
Shoot, right.. He had also hopped onto a VC call with Skeppy, and had deafened him.. Skeppy was always sending, 'threats' towards Lucy. Most people didn't even know that, 'Rat' was actually not her real name, it was Lucy..!
But oh well, it's already been made into many, many memes.. So what can you even do about it at this point?
Lucys lucky enough not to understand most things. Bad wished he was like that..

Anyways! Skeppy was hopping around the island, failing terribly at parkour-ing if he may add.
Bad laughed as Skeppy fell off the roof and off the platform. "Come on bad! If this was real life you wouldn't be laughing!!" Skeppy screeched and Lucy jumped up.
Bad looked apologetically towards Lucy, "Sorry Lucy! I should probably wear headphones huh?"

"So, Bad, Bad Bad!!" "What!?" Skeppys soo annoyingg! "You gonna help with my video??" Skeppy replied normally. Bad sighed, "Ya sure. Whats it about?"
Skeppy's in game character hopped in front of Bad's before he replied back, "Soo, um..Like the first person to finish making a land completely terraformed." "Ok." Skeppy was silent for a bit before speaking up again, "Your not gonna ask what the word means..?" A hint of confusion could be heard in his tone. Bad replied nonchalantly, "Not at all, I know what the word means. Also you didn't use it correctly."
Skeppy gasped, "BAD! Your so mean!!"

Skeppy's character hit him, but he didn't take all that much damage. "-Whatever. Anyways we need to build two platforms to start on. And if we finish then we have a good extension to the main island!"
Nevermind, Skeppy could be smart when he wanted to.
"That's actually a good idea! Ok, so.. I guess we're doing it out of cobblestone. Also Skeppy, terraform means to make a PLANET like earth. Livable." Skeppy scoffed, "We get it, your smart. Also same thing, L I V A B E L."
Bad blushed, gosh why is he blushing!?! "Dummy, you spelt it w-wrong."
Skeppy started to speak again, "About what you said, what do you mean, "That's actually a good idea" I DO have good ideas!! And why are you s-stuttering?" Skeppy mocked him at the last bit by purposely stuttering.

Why did he blush? He has no idea. He just likes getting complimented, that's it. "Hold up Skeppy, I think Lucy's hungry. And I gotta go get something from the kitchen." Right as Bad said that Skeppy muted.
Skeppy's Pov: (I put it like this because I don't know how to properly transition different povs!!)

"Ok guys! So right now I don't know where the heck Bad went but.. Right when he comes back I'm gonna begin doing what the tittle says. 'Being really clingy to BBH to confuse him' Hah! let's goo!"
He then unmuted as Bad came back. "Hay Bad!" "WHAT?!" Came from Bad's end of the call. "WHERE DID YOU GO?!? I got really worried!!" He made himself sound really, and I mean really dramatic. "Wha- what..? What do you- ... WHAT!?" Bad sounded actually genuinely confused.

------------- End of chapter 1!

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