Loved you then,- Still do.. (14)

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So soft, so caring. This is what Bad had imagined Skeppy to be. Was he any of those things? He couldn't tell, if Skeppy was using his ex too, then what little chance did he have?
He just wanted to be in a call and have just one normal conversation. Maybe their usual flirts, but he just wanted his bestfriend back.

Skeppy, Skeppy, Skeppy.. Skeppy...
That was the only thing that really filled his head nowadays. What are they gonna stream next? When? What should they say to one another? It was either Skeppy, or activities to do with Skeppy. He was gonna lose his audience at this point if that's all he did. When this is revealed, sure they'll get their spike, their little moment. And then after? Who would want to watch his streams after?

Skeppy was just digging them a grave, and Bad made the grave mistake of going with it. Heck, he went into it. He saw Skeppy lay it out and he still went in.
He shook his head, gulping as his throat suddenly felt dry. Who allowed him to fall so hard for Skeppy? There where so many reasons for why this couldn't happen. Didn't they both have girlfriends at some point? Too busy with their careers.. Love or host. The world was literally throwing them so many things so that they wouldn't end up together.

He truly was a helpless romantic.
'Skeppy, do you want to just hang on call or something?' He typed into his phone, setting it down, as he waited for a ping.

Yes, he knew that it might not work, but he was a bit desperate. He had considered deleting it and not typing anything all together. But, hay, worth a shot, no?

Before he knew it, he got a discord request. Huh, so his message wasn't marked as read?
He joined the call, even as massive waves of anxiety ambushed him. Did Skeppy read his messages and leave them unread often? Why would he do that? Does he find him annoying? "Hia Badboyhalo." Skeppy giggled. "Hi Skeppy." He responded back, his mouse hovering over his mute button. "What'cha doing??" His heart was a mess. "Nothing really, why? Are you doing something?" Bad blurted out, anxiety seemingly taking over his mouth. "I'm editing a video. Why not chat with you, y'know."

That was sweet. "Oh, that's a good idea, I should do that too." Bad hummed with a hint of coarse voice. Skeppy didn't mention his weird voice fluctuations, or the speed of his words. "Anything in particular that you want to talk about?" "I don't think so-" He said. "Okay, good. So like, yesterday I was at this place where I literally swear, everyone looked like you." Skeppy went on, "And it was like, really weird." Bad found this rambling a bit random. "What? What do you mean they looked like me! There's only one me you know, Skeppy." Adding a bit of a sassy flair to his words. "That's true, that's true. But one guy had really long hair, and then another one had these glasses-" Bad interrupted him. "Wait, so because ONE guy had long hair, suddenly, he's me." He swears if Skeppy even tries to defend this..
"Well, this guy's hair was like your color hair, and the guy with glasses was like-" Bad was incredulous, "In that case, if someone has two eyes that might be me." Bad teased. "Exactly. It, might." Skeppy sounded so serious it honestly dumbfounded Bad. "If some lady has two legs, Skeppy, no joke, that could be me. I could be that woman." He could hear a scoff at his statement, "Honestly, wouldn't mind." . .

WOAH, OKAY. "And if I was a woman?" Bad questioned. "I would date you. I think you'd be pretty hot as a woman. Not to say you aren't hot already." "Suddenly I am transgender." He replied quickly. "Noo, don't joke about that Bad." This is where he pulled out the best card, or possibly the worst move- "And if I wasn't joking?" It was silent. Bad blushed, and wondered; Why the heck did he say that.
"Not that I am, or going to-! Uhm, WHAT WHERE YOU saying A-ABout the guy with thee, um- GLASSES!?" He heard a sharp laugh. "Okayy,, Bad, uhm. The guy with the glasses could of very possibly been you." Bad could still hear the slight giggly tone in Skeppy's question. "Why's that?" He asked. "He was kinda short. So, idk." Oh my gosh.

"I AM NOT SHORT!" He yelled. "Okay, Shortboyhalo." Skeppy coughed in contradictory agreement. "AM NOT!- whatever." Bad gave up. Looks like his honor goes another day undefended. Sadly diminished to Skeppy's crude slander.
"By the way, is Rat okay?" Skeppy asked him, keyboarding noises playing softly in the background.

He was meant to check on rat later today, which was part of the reason he had wanted to talk to Skeppy. To maybe find some comfort that his friend hadn't totally changed. Or was he always like this?
"The vets said she was fine, but will probably have to stay another week." He nibbled his lip. "Ah, have you visited her yet?" "I'm supposed to later today." Skeppy made a sound of acknowledgment, "Oh! Wait, am I holding you up or like-" "No, no, I asked to talk to you. I've got a while anyways." Bad was quick to swat the misconception, "Besides, you could never hold me up."
"Aww, that's cute. CuteBoyHalo." He blushed. "So, we're chill. This fake-relationship thing," Please Skeppy, don't bring it up. "-will only be temporary." I do wonder what day it will be." What?

"What do mean?" He was rather confuzzled. "Like, what date it will be." Skeppy was seriously the most random person Bad has ever met. "Really?" Bad laughed, "Yeah, what if it's the 14th. Or the 20th of April?"
Maybe Skeppy hasn't completely changed.. "Yeah, maybe."

(990 words excluding this.)
I should update my other fics.. SHOULD. But it's the 14 of July and it's the 14 chapter so why not?
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a guy..

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