Slight suspicion. (20)

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"Oohhh, Skeppyyyyy! Skeppyyyyyyyyyy!" Bad yelled, waiting for his muffinhead to come back. "It's fine Bad, you can start reviewing your script while we wait." Dream said. "Hold up, what?" Skeppy finally appeared. "Oh, okay. You're here. Just do a quick practice of the script right now." Dream told them. "Now?" He asked. "Yeah."
"Well okay then.."

Bad looked down at his phone which carried the script, since he found it easier. The first line was his, so he would be opening it. "Skeppy," He looked down to reconfirm, cringing when he found the line exactly as it was when he read it the first time. "have you never considered finding love here?" ...
"Uhh, no. Unless you count." "C'mon, be serious about this Skeppy." Bad's mouse trailed the outline of Skeppy's character. "I am. What, are you not allowed to be considered an option?" Skeppy giggled. All to go along with the line, and for whatever reason it felt so real. How can he laugh so fakely now?

His line said to pause, but he responded a litter quicker. "And what!? I'm just supposed to-" He cut himself off, just as the line had said to. The beginning wasn't exactly acting.. That was a real outburst used with his lines. "Perfect. And that's when Puffy will enter." Dreamed hummed, while typing was heard. Bad sat there awkwardly, waiting for further instructions. Skeppy remained silent as well. For a while at least. "That was pretty realistic, Bad." "Thanks." He winced, realizing how shallow it sounded. "You, uh, did too." Once that was said, his urge to reschedule moved up to 70 percent.

Skeppy merely laughed, used to his awkwardness sometimes. That, they all knew was the same off and on camera. "Yup. Okay. Page 3 of the second doc." Once again, he was starting it.
This would be after she had left them again. "Skeppy, I-" He made an auditable gulp. "I'm sorry. I guess I just didn't know how to react. That was.. Out of pocket, my bad." He deadpanned, laughing. "Hmm? What? That sounded good to me." Dream said, confused. "No, uh. You heard it, right?" He had slammed the table, hard. He just, got caught up in the moment. "I heard it," Skeppy giggled. "-what the hell are you doing Bad?" He continued to laugh.

"I'm sorryyy! Whatever, we'll just restart the scene." "Mhmm, okay." Skeppy agreed, though with a slight tint of doubt.

"Wow! Okay, you guys sounded great!" Dream praised. Bad took it with a nod of recognition, with little tints of pink spread across his face. Blush. "So essentially, this is going to be how it plays out?" Skeppy asked Dream. "Yeah- By the way, why don't you pop in more with Bad? I don't mean in a butting-in kinda way, but since you're together I just thought.." His friend trailed his words. Bad decided to pick it up, "Like I said, we're kinda trying to keep it low-key." "Exactly. Like, Bad and I spend a lot of time off-camera." Skeppy added in. "Yup." He agreed, even if it pained him. Such a simple lie, why don't you spend more time with me Skeppy?
"Darryl gets kinda shy off-camera. I do a little bit too." Dream hummed along. "I think it's nice how well you've gotten to know each other. You two must feel pretty comfortable with one another." Bad gulped. "Mhm. Don't worry Dream, I feel pretty comfortable with you too, no need to get jealous." Really he feels more comfortable with Dream than with Skeppy.

"I wouldn't. It's just, you've never called me Clay." Dream feigned an overdramaticized voice. "Oh, well I'm sorry Clay. I just say S- Zak's name more." "Well now it feels weird. Nevermind." He laughed. "It can get hard to get used to. I still call my muffinhead, 'Skeppy' most of the time."
"Saying 'mine' works as well.." Skeppy muttered.

He swallowed shallowly, "That works too." "Okay, you two. Enough third-wheeling me. You guys can stay here and chat with each other, I'm going to be helping George with his stuff." Dream declared, and right before going Skeppy asked, "Helping him with what exactly?" in a assuming tone. Dream had left right after the question with how fast it was said. Skeppy giggled. "..So." Bad grinned, Skeppy's laugh making his head go fuzzy. "So?" Skeppy repeated. "What was with the question?" He asked.
"Just wanted to get a tease in there." He bit his lip, "Oh, I see."

"Hay, Bad?" "Yeah?" "Was it just me or did Dream seem a little suspicious?" Skeppy asked him. He thought it over. Did he? "No.. Why, did you notice something?" Bad pouted to the side. "Something just tipped me off." Skeppy continued. "Well don't just leave me in the dark!" -Like you usually do. "It was like he was prying a little bit. I don't want to say he was looking to bait but it's more that it felt he was talking indirectly. Uncomfortable with my presence sort of, and then just shifting over to you." Skeppy elaborated.
He furrowed his brows. "Oh. Um, I guess, kinda?" He shook his head, "A-anyways, I'm sure it was just the shock still going on. New relationship and all."

He heard just a small breath within the next couple seconds before Skeppy's voice returned clearer and smoother as he asked, "Are you deflecting Bad?" Woah, had he gotten closer to the mic. "No." Getting closer to the mic, he added, "You think?"
Just trying to copy Skeppy to add some playfulness. "No, not at all. I think you're just embarrassed."

He raised his brow, "Of what?" "The relationship thing, of course. Don't worry Bad, we both know it's fake that's all that matters." "I knowww." He responded.

"Okay. See you tomorrow-" "Wait, no. Today." Bad quickly interrupted. "Sorry?" He had just remembered what day it was. "Jackbox later today. It's Friday." Skeppy got the sudden realization. "Oh yeah. See ya in like, 4 hours?" Bad hummed his yes. "Okay, buh-bye Badboyhalo." "Bye Skeppy."
And just like that, he was left all alone. They had ended at 11:52 AM, almost 3 hours of non-stop line rehearsal. ..Maybe it couldn't hurt to spend some of the time with Dream and George. Take the edge off.

Yeah, he'll go do that.

(1061 words excluding this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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