Not there.. (3)

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Skeppy was right, the tweet got tons of views. But.. He was still asleep, sleeping late did have it's consequences.
Meanwhile Bad was slightly confused, it gave him a notification that Skeppy tweeted but yet he still didn't receive his morning text yet. Skeppy had enough time to tweet but seemed to have forgotten to text him.. He shouldn't be so clingy, after all Skeppy isn't inclined to send him a text every morning but it would have been nice.
But Bad was still salty so without paying much mind to whatever Skeppy's tweet was about he replied, 'Where's my daily morning text? :<' And he left it at that. Might not have been the most mature thing but he was also a bit worried so before he got to his daily activities he left Skeppy a text, just a simple frowny face.

Skeppy woke up at a later time, he woke up at 1.
In the afternoon.. So quite a lot. But he was feeling refreshed and the first thing he did was turn on his phone. He usually turned off notifications so he opened up his twitter to see what was up. His recent tweet got a good sum of attention! And all just from an unspecified tweet, it could literally mean anything! Imagine what it would be like if he said it was Bad! All this was just too easy.
Oh and.. Bad commented.

Skeppy looked to see what his best friend replied, with perfect grammar as always.
Hmm.. Right.. He forgot, whoops! But while he's here he might as well look at the comments to see what people think. And as he suspected a lot of, 'Brocken' memes.
But the replies on BadBoyHalo's comment where all freaking out. All asking if that's who he meant, which IS what he wanted. Seems like everythings going to plan. Good.
After that he went to check his texts sense that's the only thing he let his notifications on for. Mainly because the whole world couldn't message him there.
There he saw a text from Bad, with a frowny face.

He decided to act oblivious and sent a bunch of question marks. '???'
Even though he knew it was about the morning text thing.
And that seemed to be all the things he needed to do today. Check his twitter ✔ Done. Annoy Bad, ✔ also done.
So after that he decided to cook dinner since he had been asleep most of the day and at that time people usually eat.

Bad was checking his phone every 5 minutes waiting to see if Skeppy replied and finally he DID.
Question marks? Seriously?
Bad was kinda upset that Skeppy was acting so.. Childish!! "*Bark!*"
Oh ya, he forgot Lucy was still in here. "Hi Lucy, Skeppy can be kinda frustrating sometimes.. Are ya hungry? Are you Lucy Lu?" Lucy barked excitedly and licked his face. He laughed, Lucy was always good company, unlike Skeppy.
Bad silently threw shade at Skeppy.
"Ok, come on Lucy." He led her out the door and into the kitchen where he put some dog food into her bowl. He took this as some time to open HIS Twitter. It seemed his friend Quackity tagged him in a tweet. It was a thread to Skeppy's tweet, it said, 'Geeze, looks like Bad is a bit jealous or Skeppy has a little crush crush ;)'
Oh my gosh. His friends are all so childish, he swears the next time he's streaming with Quackity he's gonna drag him down too. But nows not the time to be planning revenge, why is this even a big deal?

He sighed, he knew there was something else he felt for Skeppy. Was it admiration? Hatred? Or... Something else..
He quickly waved that idea out, it was silly.. "Lucy, imagine me having feelings for Skeppy? Ridiculous, right." Lucy just barked, not really knowing. "Ya, silly.."
He decided not to ponder on the idea, I mean he liked Skeppy as a friend but he couldn't deny that there was also something else he felt for him. It's probably better to just ignore those feelings. Thought Bad. Its not something THAT important, Skeppy's just a really good friend. Just a friend, nothing else. Well, best friend but other than that their relationship doesn't stray further than that.
He hopes it stays like that..


END OF CHAPTER: (730) words, excluding this little note.

Hia! Author here!  Oooo~ But for real, don't push your feelings down. I meant to update the day before Valentine's, but... Oof! I forgot.

(Later note, um.. Apparently there was some controversial stuff about Bad swearing a long time ago and I just found that.. Not sure how to feel. Weird.)

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