L-lucy? 15.

60 3 9

Stop, stop, stop. Make it stop.
What is wrong with him!? One second he's totally fine, the chill BadBoyHalo. The NEXT! He's fudging manic. What's going on? He could only think weakly.

Is he shaking? Is he even breathing properly?
He had gotten.. A phone call. From who? The vets. What did they fudging say? Lucy's dead. She's dead.

But she can't be, how? They said she was perfectly fine the other day. He was meant to check in today, that was how it was supposed to go. What had happened so suddenly for her to take this absolute swan-dive of her health?
He could only sniffle as he cried silent tears into his arms. Trying to gulp down any sound that would emerge. It was his fault. If he wasn't so stressed all the time, Lucy wouldn't be dead right now. He should of just stepped back, instead of taking this all on head-first. It didn't even cross his mind how this might be affecting Lucy.

Bad wiped his tears away, even if it was furtileless. He can't do this alone..
A ping from his phone alerted him of one of Skeppy's texts. He barely spared a glance. But he shouldn't just ignore Skeppy, what kind of friend would he be then?

Picking it up he saw a quiet simple, 'Sooo, hows Lucy? :p' He whimpered, that sentence cut harder than he ever imagined it could. 'She's dead.' He typed and sent. Why did it matter if he was blunt? He was allowed to feel sad once in a while. 'Oh.' Skeppy sent him. He got a call immediately after. "Hello?" He said, voice still wobbly. "Where you crying?" He remained silent to Skeppy's question, even if knew it wasn't ill-willed. "Did you know Bad.." "What?" He barely tread on, his voice much subdued. "Rat isn't dead." Skeppy confidently proposed. "What do you mean?" His brain too mentally tired to follow.
"It was a prank!" Skeppy laughed maniacally. "But how? The number matched the vet's." If Bad sounded like he was in disbelief, it was because he was. "Called in, told them to prank you."

"..Didn't they advise against that?" Bad wondered, after all, the vet's knew why Lucy was there in the first place. "Oh, they did." Skeppy replied. "W-wait, how did you even get their number?" He would very much like to know this. "Remember the whole password's thing? Aha, there was some additional information made available to me." Skeppy sounded like he was having the time of his life, Bad, was not.
"Soo, you just decided, to- Completely on a whim I might add- prank me?" He asked, just to get things straight for the record. "Yep." Bad blinked back the last of his tears, "So Lucy isn't really dead?" "Uhh, no she isn't." Skeppy agreed. "Please don't do that again, Skeppy." Bad admonished. "Okay, okay, I won't." Skeppy agreed, voice still incredibly light for a conversation of this depth.

"Alright, bye." Bad got the final word in and ended the phone call.
And proceeded to ignore the following string of dings that came from his phone. Forget what type of friend Bad could be, what type of friend is Skeppy?

Gosh, he needs a beer.

(544 words excluding this.)
UMM, no message..? I am so brain-dead rn, ngl.

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