Don't ask! (13)

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"Well then, what are we gonna do? Hmm?" Skeppy answered immediately. "A QnA."
"Great, we're gonna have to keep changing the title." Bad's words had gotten a little giggle from the other. "Alright, QnA time folks!" He shouted, hoping the mods would get the title done already and not still be mad at him.
"I'll go first, chat can ask the rest later. When you first saw me, how attractive would you say I was?"
Bad lost his words, "E-excuse me?" "Not like that." Skeppy crouched around, "-I mean when I REALLY face-revealed." Bad thought over it, he did think Skeppy looked nice. "You looked fine, but you look so much better in person,- or so I hear." He added a flirtatious tone to his words. "Really? So you weren't drooling over the screen at how good I looked?" Skeppy complained, being oblivious to what Bad had said.

Was it that unnoticeable? Did he really act like that, that it didn't even warrant a elevated reaction? Because personally, his heart was hammering as he said it.. Maybe he always acted like this and just really, genuinely, did not notice.
"Haha, no. If anything I thought you would be drooling as soon as I showed my face." Bad flaunted. "I was." Skeppy agreed, no hesitation. Way to be blunt, he thought. "Oh? And you didn't think to compliment me?" He asked, feeling some resent. For some reason he fell like his appearance mattered more..

"I did. It's just that soo many people gave you so many you forgot to appreciation my compliment." Skeppy said it confidently so he couldn't exactly tell if he was joking or not. "Well thank you." He mumbled back, unconsciously sweeping through his hair.
Suddenly and without warning, a ding was heard. Several of them. Alright.. Who joined?

"Hi.-" Was heard very quickly before the person left the call. Foolish?' That was odd. "Hello guys, I see you are doing a QnA, and since you opted out during Quackity's game-show all the difficult questions, I've prepared some questions of my own." George had barley joined the stream and was already flipping the whole table. "You mean your not gonna sleep right now? Geeze, that's insane George-" Skeppy critiqued. "Ohh, your barley active Skeppy." That seemed to shut Skeppy up.
He sighed, "Okay, bring on the questions." George cleared his throat, "Oh, and Tommy helped come up with this physical list. We met up, he'll join us later on." How interesting. Bad thought.

"Ever gonna meet up with Skeppy?" Bad took a second. "No." "Okay, are you ever-" Skeppy gasped, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'OKAY'? WE DO NOT MOVE ON FROM A QUESTION LIKE THAT!" George ignored him and continued, "-going to vidcon?" He had known that this question would be asked, he'd been hinting at it recently. "Actually, yeah. 2023's gonna be the year."  He chirped.
"Enough of the easy questions, Tommy is here nowwww." George's voice faded as a new one appeared. "HAYYY!" Bad never could get used to that rambunctious voice.

"Have you ever dated anyone?" George's voice became serious. Bad blushed, "Yeah." Not quiet sure what the appropriate response was. "Why did the relationship end?" Tommy asked him.
Whoah, what was with these questions? "Guys, don't you think-" He couldn't get a word out, "Answer the question or stay silent." Skeppy teased him. He had to mentally remind himself that this was just for the stream, just for the stream, just for the strea-

"Okay. How many relationships have you been in? Romantically?" George was being especially nosey. He was still fudging salty, gosh darn it George. "A few.." He responded. He could practically feel the breath of the annoyed scoffs directed at him. But it was just for comedic effect. "Halo don't be a puss-" Tommy started, Bad could hear the swat from the microphone. Most likely George being considerate of his family-friendly stream. He knew it wouldn't last.
He had to end the stream, but in some way it offered him protection against the iffier questions. As much as he would like to keep it going, it being so short and all, he knew it was the right thing to do. "Okay guys, I'm gonna be ending stream, this muffin head will probably start cursing the moment I cut it off." Bad spoke to his viewers.

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