Building competition (8)

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It was later in the day and now it was time to make a video with Skeppy! It was sorta out of character since Skeppy was usually the one who asked for the building competitions, but he did it once in a while, streaming.. The last time he thinks he did it was with antfrost and Puffy, he thinks. He should add a plot twist, like, add easter eggs, or secrets, secret parkour. Something like that, he doesn't want to steal Skeppy's, "thing."
He got on discord and joined Skeppy's call adjusting his mic volume, "Hay Skeppy!" He said cheerfully. "Hi Bad, so when are you gonna start recording and what's the video about?!" Skeppy asked, you could faintly hear the sound of typing and clicking. What could he be typing?

"Oh, uh, ya. Here'sss... The.. Seed.. There you go-" Bad said while typing the seed into the discord chat. "-, and the videos gonna be about a building competition, But you have to add hidden secrets in each of the builds of the themes. Best out of 3 wins I guess." Skeppy 'hmm'ed at his words, "Alright! I am in! So are you gonna do your dumb intro or what?" Skeppy said sarcastically. "Hay! My intro is not dumb, you are! And.. Ya." Skeppy laughed at his words. Bad just, 'hmp'ed, and began to do his intro, with Skeppy messing around in the background of course..

"Hello everybody! Today me and Skeppy are gonna be doing a building competition! But there are gonna be hidden secrets in the builds, and we have to find them and or finish them. Which will contribute to our scores to see who is the winner! First theme is... Cat! Go!" Bad finished his intro with Skeppy saying hi at the mention of his name. They both got on there side of the obsidian and started building.

Bad was thinking of the secret he should put in, what's a grammar app with a cat? He couldn't think of one so he just googled a bunch of grammar apps or extensions. He would start off with one of the least common ones, like Grammarly is wayy to obvious. He saw one called Trinka with a logo that had three dots, one purple, orange, and yellow in a row. That would be easy.
He started by making a cheetah, technically it was a cat. He made it sitting down, making it with yellow concrete, orange clay, and wool for the ears. To add in the Trinka logo he added a collar of red wool. On the tag.. You guessed it, three dots, the Trinka logo. For the little secret he added a lever on one of the paws which opened up a secret mini passage. At the end of the hallway was a sign saying: 'Your'
Why did it say that you may ask? Well by the end of the three rounds it's gonna spell out, 'Your grammar sucks.'

Mid-way while Bad was placing the redstone powder down lava spawned on top of him and onto the wool part. Making a fire. "HAY, Skeppy! //undo! Slash slash undo! Please! I know you put lava on my side!" Bad yelled going into the call. "I have no idea what your saying. I didn't do anything, your just accusing me BadBoyHalo." Skeppy said innocently, but there was a clear tint in his voice saying otherwise. "Whatever, you muffin." Bad said before hopping out of the call.
He tried putting all the fire out, luckily he was fast enough and only had to replace a couple blocks that disappeared from burning. 'Alright, Skeppy, I see how this is. You know what, he's gonna get payback.

He went back to the redstone and started a new trail to a button. If he pressed this button- which he would - without Skeppy knowing the floor should disappear and he should fall into lava. Perfect payback.

While flying around building he accidentally saw some of Skeppy's build, he honestly wished he hadn't because he does not know what the actual muffin Skeppy is building. He went back to the call unmuting, "3 minutes left! And also, the theme was Cat, not that squashafied chimpanzee." Skeppy gasped. "Excuse me, I thought we weren't supposed to look at each other's builds, your cheating." Skeppy said offended. "And also it's not a squishafied chimpanzee, it's your dog Rat if she turned into a cat." Skeppy mostly said that because if Bad thinks he can roast his build he's gonna go after his dog too. "Ya ya, whatever. Three minutes left tho!" Bad said getting ready to deafen and mute the call. The last he heard before he did was, "Wait, that's not enough TIMEE-!" Skeppy's voice getting cut off made him laugh, Skeppy can be so silly sometimes.

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