Can't just use me (4)

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Can't just use me.
Bad was getting a phone call from Skeppy, for what? Well he does not know. Currently Skeppy was speaking, "Hey.. So, um. Remember yesterday? You said I could try and convince you of my oh so great, "idea"? Just hear me out." Oooh... That. He thought Skeppy was done with that, he didn't think Skeppy would actually be dead set on trying to convince him.
Bad sighed with a groan, he really didn't want to hear whatever Skeppy was trying to talk about. "Finee!~ What is it!?" There was an Audible intake of air on the other side, geeze, points for dramatic. "We should date."
Well he wasn't expecting that. Before Bad could even say anything in retort to this Skeppy continued, "Not like for real.. But like, like.. Like, um.. Fake dating, y'know." For some reason Bad felt oddly hurt. It's probably nothing.

"Ok, what do you mean, 'Fake date'? That could literally mean anything." Bad was getting frustrated, he didn't know why. Also slightly impatient, Skeppy stuttered to gather his words. "I mean we can get a lot of views. People have been shipping us since before, 'DNF'. And uh, we can just play it off as a joke afterwords, no?" Bad once again groaned, "That's a HORRIBLE idea! Skeppy, this is never gonna work! And even if it does, what will our friends think? Your- I don't know.. Your sister! How are you gonna explain that to her?" Skeppy would not back down from the idea, personally, he thought it was a GREAT idea. "It doesn't matter! We just won't tell our friends. And besides, dream would love the idea. The smp will get bigger and he might even make some new lore especially for us. It's a win win. My sister won't HAVE to know, alright? Bad just trust me on this, please."
He could hear the desperation in his friend's voice, for some reason he just couldn't shake it off. The way he said please so nicely too. Ugh! He can't believe he's actually going through with this, much less even considering it!
"Alright. You win. So when-" He got interrupted by an overly excited, screaming Skeppy. "Thank you so much Bad! Thank you so, so, so, much! Thanks, bye! Actually wait, wait. Uh... Oh discord! Ya, discord! Uh, uhh, go on there! Bye, Bad!" He could feel the blush on his face as he stuttered an, " A-alright.. See you ther-" and the call ended, Skeppy hung up.

Right! Discord! Shoot!
Bad got on his computer quickly logging in and plugging his headset in. He did a quick little test with the Mic before joining the server Skeppy was in. Ok, '3, 2, 1,' He took a deep breath and did a mental count down. Why was his heart racing so fast? Why was he so nervous and excited? Was it because Skeppy was over-hyping this? Ya, Skeppy being excited made him happy too. "HAYYYYY~! BAD! So..." He had to take off his headset from Skeppy's loud of a ear-rape voice screaming through. "Oh my gosh Skeppy, lower your mike." Bad even giggled a bit. "Oh. My. Gosh."
Now what? He swears Skeppy is over exaggerating everything. "That laugh. I'm recording everything just in case- if that's alright with you..?- And I just got the best clickbait. People go crazy shrimping over your laughs, this is great!" Oh. . Skeppy's been recording all this?

Bad cleared his throat getting ready. If he's on camera he has to act like it. Friendly persona who doesn't plot things behind their friend's backs. It's paranoia. He can't help it, and with Skeppy he feels he doesn't have to be as paranoia. But not right now. "Wow Skeppy. I can't believe you, seriously? I still think this is sorta a bit bad.. Ok, what's your plan?" Bad said it in a calm usual tone. "Hay, Bad you alright? You just did like a whole 1 80 on me." He wanted to tell Skeppy but.. This is a thing Skeppy does, he's gonna use it for content. So as much as he wants to tell him to stop recording.. He won't, and he'll just go along with it.
"Ya I'm alright ya muffin head. So.. What's YOUR PLAN?" "I mean alright, I was just asking. Ok so.. I've got nothing." Bad face-planted, this muffin. "Nothing? You- but.. How are we gonna do this then?" He swears, if Skeppy says they're gonna wing it- "Easy, we'll wing it!"
This is gonna end in disaster, he already knows it..

"Ok, bye Bad! We'll start tomorrow! Say night to rat for me! Also, Good night! See ya, love ya Bad! Also your gonna have to get used to that. C'mon, say it back. Can't leave till you do." ... "..Love you Skeppy, night. Say night to Rocco for me, please.- And please try and get some actual sleep." He could hear a, 'hmm!' Before the sound of a discord user leaving the call could be heard. He disconnected after.

He went and flopped down on his bed, rat joining in. A small smile, he felt normal.
Then he started crying. Small tears then sobbing as he buried his face into one of his pillows. Why was he crying? He wasn't sad, was he? He really wasn't, so why was he crying. He was just crying for no reason, was it Skeppy?
He doesn't want it to be fake he really doesn't.. Small little whimpers tore from his throat, he was pathetic. Barley even making an effort, the sound was so easily made. Why was he so sad? Why didn't he try to stop it? It's Skeppy isn't it? It's Skeppy, it's Skeppy, it's.. Zak. He doesn't want this to be fake. He wants to deny his feelings so badly, he's just emotional. He's been doing a lot and there's just too much stress to handle.
Rat- I mean Lucy.. Was sitting down in front of him trying to comfort him and figure out why her owner was so sad. He hugged Lucy, not too tightly though. "Thanks Lucy. Y-your.. The best dog. At least I know this isn't fake. Skeppy... I don't really know. I'm such a dork, crying about nothing, stupid things.. And talking to my dog, eh.. I'm fine Lucy, c'mon I gotta feed you dinner."

He got up and led Lucy to the kitchen, wiping his tears away. How's he gonna do this? It hasn't even started and he's already crying. He probably doesn't even really like Skeppy, maybe.. Slight feelings, he should get some rest. He could deal with this- and Skeppy- tomorrow.

END CHAPTER (1108 words excluding this and top tittle thing.)

Hii! I for once can get to a word count over a thousand. Anyways, what do you think gonna's happen? 0.0

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