Like a love-sick dog. (11)

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Alternative title: Love-sick dog.

"Hia Bad, hope your doing okay. I'm just here to check up on you! You haven't been quiet respondent as of recently. Hay, talk to me? Bye Bad!!" He had replayed the recording 4 times now. Skeppy had sent him a voicemail since Bad had taken a nap, unknowing that Skeppy would even call.

He tugged at his hair, ugh, feelings. It made him want to spill his heart out, and then swallow vomited words he shouldn't have said. It made him all giddy, and other times it made him breakdown. Skeppy was his light! But at the same time Bad was simply a shadow.
It made him hate himself. His mind and how it worked. Sometimes he wished he could just turn it off. And not think like this..

Ultimately, he decided, he'll send a text and reassure him everything's alright, even if it's not. Just like always..
'I'm okay, just shook me up a bit, y'know?' And that was it. No need to go further.

He breathed out harshly, it was so silent. It was eerie in a way.
Not liking the silence, he switched over to his monitor and googled some stuff, such as:
'How do I know if I am in love?' 'Is it wrong to like your bestfriend?' 'Signs of feelings.' And so on...

'Aching heart' was a thing constantly listed. And he would be lying if he said his heart didn't ache, every. time. he was reminded that it was fake.

But at least.. At least he didn't resort to some things their fans liked to do. Like, reading fan-fiction? That's the lowest of the low.

But anyways, he thought, he would never do that. There were so many aspects in his life that kept him from drowning in the surreal world of fantasies. One of those reasons being, he respected Skeppy too much.
Would it even be okay to think like that? Skeppy does it.. And despite him saying he wouldn't fall, that he wouldn't cave!! It's so, so, so, very tempting. It's his only chance of getting close. The closest chance he'll ever get. And yet he won't take it!? If he does it would break him, at least like this it would be like nothing changed, and eventually he would forget. But he doesn't want to.
What was that saying? Be happy that it happened, don't be sad that it ended. That's true!! But he gets an option.

And on my gosh, he's thinking so much about this. To put it simply:
Continue to hold back everything and continue with these fake feelings. And when they reveal, he'll be left the same just with this new-found realization of his feelings.
Or.. He can actually enjoy this opportunity and instead of acting.. He's actually believing the lie himself. It'd be as if they really were together. But if he did that, he knew that when they revealed and once this was over he would be absolutely devastated.

GAHH! This was so difficult. He just wanted his dog to forget about this.
Y'know what, he'll try it. He won't fully commit into believing, but he'll let himself slip into this fabricated fantasy.

'By the way, Skeppy do you wanna stream?' He sent. It's gonna be live. He's going to do it and fully commit, just this once.

'Ya, sure!' Finally, he thought, for once he uses proper grammar.
He started up his computer, logging into a SMP discord. "Testing.. Skeppy is my mic good?" He said, noticing the familiar 'ding!' "Huh? Oh ya, ya. Your good." The other replied, a bit startled by the sudden question. "Your mic's good too. Alright! I'm starting the stream in 3.. 2.." "Wait what!? I just joined you can't-" Skeppy got cut off by yet another sound, a notification. Aww, Skeppy had his steam notifications on?
"I can't believe you've done this to me again." Skeppy grumbled.

"Hi chat! So-" "No. Nah-ah-ah, do you guys know what this guy did AGAIN!? He calls me in for a late-minute stream, and then, out of nowhere, immediately starts it!!" Skeppy started venting his frustration to the chat. He'd be lying if he said he didn't think it was funny.
"Consider yourself flattered. Out of all the people I could've chosen I asked you." He muttered, typing in something to change the title.

"That's probably cuz you asked a bunch of other people and they all said no." Bad let out a huff, what a rude muffin. "Maybe." The playful tone mixed with sass was classic BadBoyHalo. But.. A little something's gonna change.
"Hay Bad, aha, um- why, why is the title, 'Streaming with my beloved Skeppy'? I mean, thank you, I certainly am flattered now." Bad internally sighed, for what he was about to say. "Wasn't me!! One of the mods must've changed it!" The truth was, yes, he put the title as that. But he can't be totally straightforward about it, can he? Immediately the chat was filled with: 'are u sure bout that?' 'Liarrer' 'cap' and a bunch of, 'the mods are being framed'.

"I dunno about that Baddd! Chat thinks your lyinggggg!" Skeppy shouted. He looked back over to his page hitting refresh, a fresh sigh escaping. "What?" The other asked. "The mods changed it again. '-plus mods being framed for FraudBoyHalo's crimes' OH MY GOSH. I DIDN'T CHANGE ITT." But of course not one person believed him.
"Whatever, Skeppy join the Smp." He asked politely. "Geeze, you want me that bad? To S-SEE ME, oops." Skeppy fumbled over his words. What was wrong with the first one- OH. "Both alike, I don't think there's a difference if you know what I mean." Anywho, hurry up!!" Zamn, he's never actually flirted like this. "Ayo, chat, susboyhalo era. Besides, it's cute your finally thinking like me. If,,,, you know what I mean."

He covered his face with his hand. What was it with him and his stinking creative nicknames? He's not an expert on this but he's pretty sure it's more like a blushboyhalo era.. AND GOSH, why does he have to sound like that!?! He knows it's just to convey their secret meaning of the hoax, but everyone else is going to take it the wrong way!
"I'm in Bad. Where are you?" Okay, get your head in the game Bad! He responded to Skeppy, "I'll send you the coordinates, it's nothing already built from what you last saw. It's a.. New structure."

He felt so extraordinarily shameful, for what this, 'structure' was. He had built it a couple months prior as a little hang-out spot. Quackity had said it seemed like a date venue..
I guess that's what they're gonna use it for. "Bad, I'm losttttt!"

Bad sighed, "I'm literally right behind you." Skeppy made a sound of confusion, "What do you m- OH! Hia Bad~." "Hia Skeppy." Bad watched as Skeppy's character sprinted forward. "What's this?" He asked, though his tone was teasing and Bad knew he at least had some kind of idea of what this was.
"It's just a hangout spot/dating spot.. And we're friends so.." He dragged on, in reality he wanted to dip. "More than friends." Skeppy corrected. "Huh?" M-more than friends? What!?! Was Skeppy really con- "We're best-friends." Oh, rightttt. "Ahaha, ya. So.. I had this idea. Tommy is always trying to give me 'dating advice', but I figured I needed to test my actual abilities on a person. And-" Skeppy shushed him, "Alright, I know where this is going. You. Are. Going... To ask to date me, right?" Skeppy hummed to himself.

"I-i, no, not really like that.." He tried to defuse. But no matter how much he tried to down-play it, Skeppy would not let him. "Whatever. Like this it will be more useful, if I'm being honest actually-" Don't be honest Skeppy, he mentally screamed. "I don't see why you would wanna date anybody if it's not me. Y'know, considering.." And Skeppy left it at that, not bothering to finish and leaving the rest to the viewers' imaginations.
"What about this," Skeppy offered, "-we both try and woo the other on a date here, where we'll regroup, and chat decides who would be the better boyfr- partner." He swears a smirk was evident in the way Skeppy spoke.

He couldn't help the way his heart fluttered at the idea of a date with Skeppy. How he would kill to-
"Fine." He gave in, his breath heavy.
"Cool." Skeppy responded before sprinting off.

Why does his heart feel so heavy? And why is Skeppy so adamant on dragging Bad into these situations??
Oh my gosh, he's only going to hurt himself more by sticking in these plots.

(1462 words excluding this and top of the page thingy)

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