Them. (12)

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Bad for one, could not be bothered to put in much effort. He knows what he said earlier, but all this just seems so silly. Why not an actual date?
He shook his head in annoyance. It shouldn't be bothering him so much. As far as Skeppy's concerned, their relationship only goes as far as their acting. And when they're in front of an audience.

An audience.. Speaking of which, he was streaming and he had to continue, 'trying' to make a perfect little date for Skeppy. "Guys, honestly.. Skeppy is not all THAT once you get to know him personally," he said, wandering his way back to the hangout spot. But what would he know about knowing Skeppy personally? Does he really know anything at all?
"-he can be a real jerk sometimes." How can he speak? He says these things and everyone just believes him. He's supposed to know their relationship better than anybody, and yet.. It feels like Skeppy's entirely in charge.

The thought made him sad. "A-anyways, I'm sure the Muffin-head just wandered off and got lost. I might actually win this." He muttered.
As he sprinted, his phone started to buzz. He took a glance recognizing the number immediately. "Oh, guess who's calling guys. It's Skeppy, it probably to tell me he's lost." He hummed, hitting accept and clicking speaker-phone. "Hi Skeppy, got anything to say to the chat?" It was silent for a moment, as if he were re-organizing his thoughts. "This isn't on speakerphone, right?" Skeppy asked. He stalled for a bit, "Uh, ya it is. Why? Should I-" He was cut off quickly. "Anyways love, I'm lost."

His face heated up. "I-" He was left absolutely speechless, for a moment that is. Until he realized, another bit, he thought bitterly. "Come find me please." And then he hung up.
"See? Once again, what did I tell you guys?" He laughed awkwardly. Skeppy is such a jerk without realizing it, it's so unfair..

"I'm not finding Skeppy, either he finds his way back all by himself or.. I don't know, I leave him." He said saltily. He crouched down on a chair he made at the hang-out. He waited for a couple moments patiently, before speaking, "I'm not sure you guys, that mine we saw earlier was mighty tempting.." As soon as he was about to get up, Skeppy appears out of thin air, as if by magic. "Badd, you left me!~ How inconsiderate of you. You'd probably leave me for Sam or Quackity." Skeppy- as always- whined to him.
"Oh come on. We both know Quackity wouldn't.." He reassured his partner- SKEPPY.

"Notice how you didn't say Sam?" Skeppy accusingly berated him. "Your so jealous Skeppy. Your almost as needy as chat." Of course this caused an uproar in chat, -he didn't notice it.
"Well, maybe I just wuv him a little more than you." He made sure his voice was mocking. "Now let's start our date!- I m-mean hangout." Oops.

"Okay, let's start our date then Bad. Oh sorry, I meant, 'hangout'." Bad grit his teeth in response. He's not gonna respond to that.
"Okay, bye chat! And goodbye to you too Skeppy and George!" He said in third-person. "George?" Skeppy casually asked. "Technically he did leave earlier but he said he was still going to watch the stream."
With that, he left.

He got away from his computer in real life, feeling, weird. He doesn't want to think, he wants to go to bed in all honesty.

Gosh, he won't think about what happened. He doesn't want to.. Why did that have to happen?
It couldn't be helped, it kept forcing itself into his mind, he had to replay that whole stream in his head. He hates t̶h̶e̶m̶- it.

(636 words excluding this.)
Don't worry, I'll write what happened next chapter! :)

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