So, ya.. We're dating! (5)

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Bad awoke to another good morning text from Skeppy. His eyes where a bit red from crying the night before, from what, not even he knows. Bad groaned, he wanted to go back to sleep. He felt so tired! And on top of that he had to make ANOTHER video with Skeppy! Soon another text popped up, 'meet on the smp. Join sduicord' Skeppy's grammar was horrible so Bad was left to guess that he meant, 'discord'. Before hopping on he sent a text saying his spelling sucked.

Now on Minecraft he joined the server and the correct discord call. "Hi Bad!" "Hi Skeppy.." Bad replied unenthusiastically. "Geeze, this is the greeting I get?" Skeppy sounded offended. "No.. It's just when ever you act like this your usually plotting something.. Are you recording?" Bad was slightly suspicious, he couldn't really tell what his friend was planning. The only, "Hint" that he got was that they where going to, 'Wing it'. And that didn't really give him much information.
Ugh, this would be so difficult. "Ya, ya. Well not RIGHT now. But I guess for this plan to work we just announce our relationship, or something." Bad couldn't tell if he was joking or not. So they're just gonna go out and say it!? "Oh my goodness you muffin. It's so sudden we have to like, act like it a bit before we just go on and announce it to millions of people." He honestly sounded disappointed, he had higher standards for Skeppy. "Ya, I guess your right. But what do we do?" He thought for a bit. It was a bit awkward, but it's only awkward if you make it awkward.
"Flirting, clingy-ness, compliments, but your just a naturally flirty person." Bad said it so casually but it came as bit of a shock to Skeppy. "You would actually flirt back? Like actually calling me cute and stuff?" Skeppy's words made Bad blush, would he actually call Skeppy cute? I mean Skeppy does have his moments where he can be seen as adorable rather than annoying... To other people, totally not him.. "I mean sure, most friends do that anyway. Besides, we'll both know anyways, like that we won't get too much secondhand-embarrassment, mostly from you." "Woww, seriously Bad? Whatever, I'm not that embarrassing. Now come on, we gotta go film a video or maybe stream. Which one is better?" "I'll stream." Replied Bad. "Alright, but before we do, we gotta talk to dream." Skeppy sounded serious, why did they have to talk to dream?

Well now they where in a more secure call with Dream in it.
"Ok, so what did you want to talk to me about Bad?" It was Dream's voice. "Well, I.. Me and Skeppy have to tell you something and we're hoping it doesn't mess up any of the lore.." Bad sounded nervous, gosh why was it so hard to say? "Um, ya. You can tell me anything, did something happen with one of the other people?" Dream was slightly worried and concerned for Bad since he sounded a bit on edge.
"Me and Skeppy are together." He finally spewed out the words. "As in.. Dating?"  Dream sounded a bit confused, I mean they where always practically together as in friends. "Ya.. As in datin-" "YA! Me and Darrel are dating! Not like cannonically, but as in individuals, y'know?" Skeppy's loud voice had made Dream take off his headset and Bad to flinch. But it also made Bad blush the way Skeppy had used his name, like his actual name. "Wow, congrats you two. So, when are you gonna tell everyone else?! Also, don't worry about the lore, if anything this might actually strengthen the whole story line." Skeppy was actually right for once, Dream seemed ecstatic about the two of them dating. "Actually me and Darrel where gonna slowly introduce the idea, and then announce it." Dream made a thoughtful sound. "Y-ya." Bad stuttered, Skeppy was continuing to call him by his real name, it felt weird. Bad felt slightly embarrassed to be sharing this, 'moment' with his friend Dream in the call!
"Ah, I see you. Alright, also once again, congratulations to you both. I guess all that shipping finally got to you, fangirls are gonna be all over you, be prepared." Dream joked before leaving the call.

"So I guess it's just us, are you gonna start the stream soon or..?" "Um, ya, ya. In a sec." Bad said already opening up twitch. "Also good job with the stuttering, I think it really sold the whole, 'we're dating' act." Bad stopped dead in his tracks. "Ya, just wanted to make it convincing, you know.." In truth that wasn't the actual reason but it was better than his friend finding out he actually didn't mean to stutter, that he actually did feel something from that.. Whatever, he had to gather himself and sort his feelings, because in 10 minutes he would be streaming.
(833 words excluding this.)
Kinda a fluffy chapter, but soon enough there will be VERY sad parts! >:]
Also sorry for the pretty short chapter, but it's gonna be a pain to write the next one since it's gonna be soo long!

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