Accountability (17)

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So what if he ignored it? Pretended that little incident never happened. Pretended not to have seen the 40+ unread Snaps.. Or pretended not to know what the heck everyone was talking about when they teased in streams. It was just one accident.
One accident Skeppy won't let him live down...

His mods tell the chat, he's just playing a character, if something really bothers him, he'll, communicate it. The only problem is, Skeppy can't take no for an answer. And really, it sucks. If he doesn't act like everything's alright, his fans would see this as toxic. Some already do.
And if they see it like that.. Then what type of example is he setting for them? Let your friends walk all over you, it's alright to be pushy.. It's okay to cross boundaries..?

Really, he thought he had set his down firm. But apparently not, because his patience is being tested every day. He manages, he's in a good state of mind. -Just not when it comes to Skeppy.
Why does it feel like he's treading on glass around Skeppy?

Why doesn't it feel that way with Dream, with SapNap, with Quackity, with Georg-

"Bad? Are you listeninggg~??" He shot his attention back to his monitor. "Oh, u-um sorry. What did you say Skeppy?" Hearing an annoyed sigh from his partner he moved his character around a bit. "Where is your mind Bad? -What I was saying was,,," And Skeppy continued to talk, and Bad replied with whatever answer was appropriate. Even with the thoughts that wandered in his mind, and the one's at the back of his mind that were loud, he managed to keep up his facade. It's been two days since the incident.
"Skeppy, y'know Vurb?" Bad asked. "Yeah?" "I'm borrowing him for a video on Wednesday, just making sure that won't interfere with your video you're doing with him." Simple work talk.. "Ah, that's fine. Also, I'll send you the final-ish file if you want to look through before I-" "No, it's fine." He interrupted. Skeppy usually let him look-over the video file before he uploaded them to make sure nothing that was meant to go unheard was leaked.

"I trust you." Was his added afterthought, before leaving the call. Step back, take a breather, maybe walk Lucy. This was a new way of him processing life. Going one step at a time. Should he get Skeppy a gift?-
His mind blanked, before he became flustered. You know when you're in love and your mind does that funny thing where it reminds you of all the favorite things your favorite person likes? Like oh, they might like this thing, maybe I should, get it for them. And then you realize, oh yeah! They don't like you.

He scoffed, picking up a leash before heading downstairs. "Luc-" Then he stopped.
What is actually wrong with him? LUCY, is still at the vet. Guess it's just a habit. It's a break in his routine. And going on a walk without Lucy suddenly feels out of place, and he no longer feels like going out.

He is slowly losing his mind, and really, it's his fault. His fault for falling into this delusion. This impossibly, perfect delusion, in where, he can finally have Skeppy.

Skeppy, Skeppy, Skeppy. Where art thou his mind? You can probably guess. It's always going to revert back to Skeppy.

As much as he hated his situation, he was mostly angry at himself. It turned into rage where he just wanted everything to stop.
Anger is such a strong emotion, as is love, and anything in between is bound for destruction.

Whether that be a jealous lover, or a heart-broken person.. ...He's always going to be in between. Never fully in love, never fully angry. Why? Because it was his fault.
Why had his thoughts gone from sad poetry to anger?
He's jealous.

(654 words excluding this)
Geeze, this one took a while to come out. I hate putting out bad quality chapters because it takes time to think, I just don't have time. This one is mostly filler, but written nicely. While the plot chapters are rushed and sloppy.
These are easier bc there isn't really plot, it's very vague. The plot chapters require time and care, so..

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