Jealous for you. (18)

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"Hay, Dream?" "Yeah?" "Have they really not let you out of the prison, not even to look outside?" The other sighed. "No, Bad. You're the only nice guard willing to visit. Sapnap visited, and George promised.. But I haven't heard of him since." "Oh-" "Wait, shit. That's not my line. Isn't it reversed? Haha."
Bad scoffed humorously. They were practicing past-lore streams to make sure they were well versed. Wouldn't want any contradictions after all. "Y'know what? It's fine, we probably won't need to revisit most of this. Next part has already mostly been focused on your new lore with the egg." Dream cockily threw out there. "By the way, I think.. You asked to talk to me a little while ago?" "No. I don't remembe-"

And those were his final words before he was moved to a separate, private VC. "Seriously?" He muttered. "I know, I know. But you really did ask to talk to me a bit ago. -Anywho, Bad." He raised a skeptic eyebrow. "Yes?" "How would you feel about getting extra lore?" He sucked in a breath. "But won't that take away from the others?-" "Bad." Dream warned. "B-but, I already got this MASSIVE bit, I don't think I really need-" Dream chuckled, "Stop, okay? Your always doubting yourself oh-very-humble Bad. And it's not really like lore, but it will enforce an idea that's already kinda-cannon." Dream's right. He's right. "Okay." He said more sure of himself. Dream was always such a good friend, honestly, all his friends were, but this solid foundation was really what might've kept him sane doing long rehearsals with Skeppy. (Who wasn't here for most of the time.) Dream's the reason he isn't bald right now, otherwise he would've ripped all his hair out by now.
"So.. You're kinda seen as neutral ground. But you know, with the two main conflicts being the current government, and the overtake of other governments with like, Tommy and Wilbur, and Techno and such.. Speculation has been going on that you might enforce Quackity, since you do mainly serve current government with Badlands, that with, 'Las Nevadas' you might have an opportunity to be associated with."

Bad blinked, that's-a lotta information. At his speechlessness, Dream nervously laughed, "It's a LOT. And complicated, so I'm still tryna figure something out, and if it doesn't I still have a backup with the err, egg-lore. BUT!" Bad listened intently. "Yes..?" "I also came up with side-ideas. You and Skeppy. Not quite sure what yet, but I think it'll get done quicker if you want more action right now. The only thing is, I'm not sure if I can make both of them work simultaneously." Oh. So he has to make a decision then.. He and Skeppy already got lore together with the egg, but it was so.. Angsty. And Skeppy wasn't really having the part, it kinda depended on what his lines were. So with Skeppy's lines relying on his, was it really fair?
He nibbled his lip. Get even more lore, be closer associated with Quackity.. That'd be interesting. But that's kinda selfish isn't it? If he had the option to get parts for both him and Skeppy. He's reluctant because he knows what Dream means by giving them, 'side-ideas.' But, oh crap..

"So.. Bad?" He was quiet for quite a while, oops. "Come up with stuff for me and Skeppy." He replied, normally. He also shouldn't cause Dream an inconvenience.. Besides, he also knows Quackity's been working on Las Nevada's for some time now, he wouldn't want to butt-in and have things change JUST for him. "Alright, cool. You sure?" Dream asked one more time. It wasn't meant to sway him, Bad knew that. It was more in a-, "It's of no inconvenience to me, just so you know." - kinda way. "YES. I'm sure Dream." He laughed light-heartedly, preparing for the heavy set of dread he knew was creeping up on him. "Okay then. Cya Bad!" He got back before Dream hopped out their VC.
Well, time to tell Skeppy. Hopefully it doesn't end with him complaining about his, 'schedule.' Oh the things he has to go through for their friendship. He loves Skeppy so much- CARES about him.


'braringgg' ... 'bringgg..'
Bad waited patiently as the phone rang. Twiddling his phone as he watched it go from 1, to 2, to 3 rings.. And it seemed at the last second, he was going to be directed to voicemail. But it didn't. Instead, his phone ceased it's ringing. "Hello?" Skeppy asked. "Oh, uh- hi, Skeppy." He replied rather quickly. "Do you need something?" "Ermm," Perhaps this would've been something best discussed over discord, but.. "Dream is giving us new lore. W-well, extra." He said. "Oh." Bad gulped. "Yeah.. Just wanted to give you a heads-up." He heard a humming noise come from Skeppy, before finally hearing: "Should we switch to discord? I'm not up to anything much right now." Anything much..

He quickly agreed "Yeah, of course." Though really he had no idea what he was going to say to the other, he wasn't given much information after all.
Clicking across his screen to open their own little chat, he sent the request to VC.. He wasn't expecting Skeppy to pend a FT. He ignored it.
"Okay Skeppy, what you wanna know?" Skeppy gave him a confused sound, "Whatever you can tell me." Of course. "Dream called me over earlier today during one of our rehearsals, and asked me about lore. He said it'd be kinda like an extension, or filler." 'Ah.' Skeppy acknowledged. "So, is it to do with current stuff, or what we told him, like..?" Bad, 'um'ed for a bit, "Yeah. Pretty sure, to your second guess." I'm assuming he's trying to incorporate more of what our relationship is like, since we're not.. 'Open' about it yet."
Absent-mindedly, Bad began to drag his fingers across his keyboard and dance them around his desk. Even with the small amount of time it took Skeppy to process his words, Bad's mind always seemed to slip. Anxiousness.

"You know, it's interesting. Dream hasn't pulled me aside yet. Not once." It was silent for a second longer as Skeppy picked out his next words. "Has he been talking to you about it at all since we, 'came out' to him? I hope you haven't been telling him too much, otherwise you and I are going to be having our own rehearsals to catch me up." Skeppy tried not to giggle too much as he spoke. It was their silly acting and the fact that they both knew it was fake that made this conversation light-hearted. At least for one of them.
"Actually, no. -Why, are you jealous?" He teased, trying to follow the flow. "..No, that's not the reason..." 'Oh.'

The shift in tone unsettled him just a bit. It was in a leading kinda way, like Skeppy himself couldn't put his finger on it. But the thing he was focused on, was, although his tease was obviously a tease, and it fit with the conversation, Skeppy didn't return that same energy. As if the thought could never cross his mind in a million years. That it could so easily be brushed off without a second thought, Skeppy couldn't think of even going with the joke just the slightest, before changing his tone.
He felt ignored.

"Anywho, that's it?" Bad wanted to make something up in the moment, just to keep Skeppy even a minute longer. But he blanked. "Uh, yeah. I guess I should ask you what you've been up to, you've got time, right?" He said it himself, he's got time. "Kinda gotta do something." What? "Hmm?" He questioned casually, though he was almost anything but. "Yeah.. You're so clingy, Bad." Skeppy joked. "Oh okay, I see how this is.." He muttered through an almost-fit of laughter. But not for the reason you may think. "I hope your not too mad at me." Skeppy said in that light way he usually does. "Me? Never." - It was because he was annoyed.
Fake your laugh till you make it. Bitc-

"M'kay, bye Bad. Talk to ya laterr." He replied through gritted teeth, "M'KAY, talk to you later Skeppy." And that, was seemingly the end of their conversation. Just not the conversation in his head is all. Or the battle going on within his heart. In that case, the conversation was never over. And if wouldn't be as it stuck in his mind for the next months..

What is up with you, Skeppy? What's going on? Why aren't I apart of your life?

He didn't want to leave it at that. So, like any good stalker- friend, he checked all of Skeppy's socials. Sure enough.. He finds a Snap of Skeppy who is with somebody. And it really shouldn't mean anything except for the fact it was deleted very shortly after. That's normal. He thought.
No it's not, is what his heart screamed at him. Besides, it's probably just a friend of Skeppy's. One of the dudes.

He couldn't help the frown that came up on his face.
But I wanna be, 'your dude,' Skeppy.

(1542 words excluding this.)
Ya girl is STRUGGLING. -Just a little bit with writing. 😩 What has it been, a year? (Jk, it's only been a month calm down guys.) I actually had some time to THINK. Ain't that crazy? Inspiration just struck. Anywho, my mind is a little bit jumbled and it is making it very hard to write. RAHHHH

BAM! Chapter done. 😋

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