*Unepected meeting*

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~Danielle's pov~
I decided to let the memories flow through my brain while i walked on the boardwalk dying to go swimming with Faith,my new best friend,that I was found yesterday but I was scared she will judge me from what was all over my thighs and arms"Danny I'm hungry can we go somewhere please"Faith was whining in my ear"where you wanna go faith?"I asked her while looking at the people that were walking by us"SWEET FROG!!"she yelled making me laugh at her weirdness"alright let's go"i said as we both ran to Sweet Frog.

Josh's POV

My plane arrived last night and i decided to look for Danielle I still felt bad for doing that to her 2years ago, I decided to go on the boardwalk and refresh my mind and get the memories out "Josh??"I heard a voice behind me...a girls voice...i turned around and couldn't believe who it was"Ella???!"I smiled at my cousin who I haven't seen in like forever ever since i moved into Zayns house with the boys and our cousin Harry"Hey what brings you out here?"Ella asked me"I wanted to get out the house"I lied to her"Oh well cmon there's this new place called Sweet Frog and i wasn't you to come and reunite with me"she begged i nodded my hand and yanked my arm almost out of my socket....

We arrived at Sweet Frog and walked inside it felt so good in there and smelled so sweet of course I had to smile at the thought of ice cream around me"ill go make our I've creams okay?"Ella told me making me nod my head again.She ran off while I look around to see what they had since it was my first time  in there. I was about to go sit down until i saw a girl that looked like Danny I walked up to her and it was her I found her omg yess I was so excited to find her "Danny"I finally spoke making her turn her head to me she froze when she saw my face..she ran out of Sweet Frog and I followed close behind"Danny wait please!"I yelled still running after her she ran into a alley and tripped over something.

Danny's pov

I saw Josh's face which made me runaway into a alley i wasnt paying attention and tripped over a broken bottle"shit" I mumbled under my breath as i had several broken glass in my ankle.Josh walked up to me "Im not goin to hurt you again Danny i just wanted to say that im sor-"he was cut off with the glasses in my ankle which made him cuss utterly and picked me up bridal style..it was getting dark anyway so I told him what my address was and he carried me home..that's all I remember since I blacked out in his arms....

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