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°Danielle's POV°
Okay so I decided to give Josh one  more chance I know I know I shouldn't for what he did to me back then. Today's the day I'm finally going to see my brother Im kind of nervous to even see him and the rest of the lads but its all worth it. "So Danny how about you get ready and I'll be down here watching TV we only have 2 hours so get there before it gets too crowded" I heard josh say to me "Okay I'll be ready in about 15-20minutes I promise" I said looking at the clock "okay hurry up" he said to me, I rushed up the stairs to get ready.

Josh's POV•
After I heard her turn on the water I pulled out my phone and decided to text Harry about the surprise..
(Text Convo)
J: Hey cousin how's everything going?
H: Hey J!! Nothing much just getting for the concert tonight!!
J: Great, listen speaking of the concert I got Danielle and I tickets and back stage passes
H: That's great I miss her!!
J: Yeah I at least want her to see Zayn
H: Yeah he's been not doing so  well he's always having attitudes towards us especially me since were related
J: well damn but anyways don't tell anyone especially Niall
H: Why not?
J: Because I think he still likes Danny and I want her to myself
H: *sighs* Josh if she chooses you instead of Niall then congrats but if she chooses Niall over you then you're just gonna have to deal with it mate
J: Ugh yeah you're right I guess but anyways I gotta go see you tonight
H: See you!!
(End of text convo)
I got done texting Harry when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I couldn't believe my eyes what she was wearing was so beautiful...

°Danielle's POV°
I got done taking a shower,brushing my teeth, washed my face, I combed my hair and just let it air dry. I walked into my room and roamed through my closet I decided to wear a high top white skirt,and a pink crop top (outfit up top) I slid on some white flats and decided that that's be best to wear since I'm going to see my brother for the first time I know its been a while but will he still love me? Since I ran out on all of them because if what happened between me and Josh. "Danny we got to go its almost-" He didn't finish his sentence cause his eyes caught me coming down the stairs "Wow Dan you look beautiful..really beautiful" He said eyeing me up and down "Thank you J" I said looking down blushing like a mad hatter "Let's go" He said smiling and walking to the door. I grabbed my phone and house key, he walked out the house before me I stayed behind a little bit so I can lock my house I jogged to him and got into the car. "Alright, let's do this" I said Josh pulled out of the driveway and drove to the arena....

**At the concert**
We had front row seats I can't believe it I'm finally here at my brothers concert I can't believe I'm saying this but this is actually the first concert I have been to of my brothers I know I seem like a terrible sister but it was mostly because I was busy with writing my own songs and choreographing with my classes and my videos that no one has ever seen not even Zayn all he knows is that I can sing that's basically it. "Are you excited?" Josh said practically screaming in my ear the concert hasn't even started and these girls are already going crazy "Yeah more nervous than excited" I screamed back "Well don't worry I'm sure he's going to be happy as shit to see you" He smiled and looked forward "yeah hopefully" I mumbled to myself...I looked on the screen that was up on stage it was counting down
Oh god here we go
3...2...1...LET'S PARTY!!!
The girls started screaming louder this time the boys ran out one by one
I started to feel butterflies when I saw my brother I missed him so much so freaking bad it was ridiculous but I have a backstage pass so I get to finally hug him and catch up. "How are you doing Miamiiii?!?!?!" Harry yelled the girls went more wild then ever "1 2 3 GO!" Liam yelled. "Going out tonight, changes into something red her mother doesn't like that kind of dress everything she never had, she's showing off " Zayn sung his part he grew his hair out oh Jesus he's going to turn into damn Rapunzel if he keeps growing it out. The boys were having fun running around a little bit but something caught me Niall. Niall was standing there looking out to the crowd who was he even looking for? God must've heard me cause after I asked myself that Niall looked in the front row he was scanning it slowly from left to right he looked at me then kept going until he stopped, he puffed his chest out blinked his eyes again and slowly turned his gaze back on me he saw me!! He was looking for me!!. "Danielle" he mouthed his mic beside him I bit my lip staring back at him holding back my smile I waved at him I felt tears almost form into my eyes but I blinked it away, it felt like it was just us and the world was evolving around us.. I missed him I really did I won't lie about that I truly did I guess we got so caught up in the moment Niall forgot to sing his part in the song so Louis covered him "Danielle?!" He mouthed to me his mic by his side I waved at him and mouthed "hi" he smiled I could've sworn I saw a tear slip out of his eye he wiped it away. He shook his head and performed like he hasn't even seen me.

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