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Niall's POV•
I saw her I wasn't dreaming I really did I felt a tear stream down my face I quickly wiped it away when I saw who she came with..Josh... I shook my head and started performing like I haven't seen her I had to get her out my head I'll try to have a conversation with her later on after the concert....
**After the concert**
"THANK YOU MIAMI FOR LETTING US TO PERFORM GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!!!" Liam yelled into the microphone we all ran off the stage "Whooo that was a crazy fun performance" Harry said taking his shirt off and wiping the sweat from his forehead "Yeah that was amazing" Louis said before chugging down his cold water bottle "Hey fellas we have a fan that wants to meet you they're in Liam's dressing room waiting for you guys" One security guard named, Mike, came up to us to inform us. We all looked at each other "Another fan? Are you sure they're not gonna try to rape us like last time!?" Zayn asked kind of freaking out "No no they're not besides I know who they are its important you guys go now before they leave" Mike said and walked off "Well what are we waiting for let's go" Harry said and walked to Liam's dressing room us following him of course. "I wonder who it could be" I heard Zayn whisper to Louis I had this feeling like we were going to be kidnapped but that's just my extincts. Liam opened the door kind of slow like "Hello?" He asked in a questionable way a few seconds gone by "Oh my god" Liam said covering his mouth he ran into his room we followed close behind "Oh god" Louis said covering his mouth I looked down I saw a certain sight I never wanted to see at all....
It was Danielle she was covered in blood, her left wrist was cut open blood everywhere

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