No Matter What You're The Father

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Niall's POV

Today is Wednesday which means I got to meet up with Danielle to talk about me walking out on her and our unborn child. I know she hasn't cheated on me with Jug I was just jealous about how much they were together and the fight between Harry and I and her mood swings just got to me. I pulled into the parking lot of the park we were meeting up at. I got out of my car and walked to the small little pond knowing she'd be there waiting for me and i was right. She was standing there in a green 1991 crop top sweater,black jeans, and converses she looked beautiful  and I hurt her bad!! "Hey" I said walking up beside her "You're late" She replied looking out to the pond "I know only by 5 mins" I sighed shoving my hands into my pockets. It was quite. "Look Danny about that  night I'm sorry it's just I di-" I started but she cut me off "Didn't mean to leave me and your child?" She asked sternly turning to me, I nodded, "Niall, you hurt me so bad it's sad that I will and still love you but that shit you pulled on me isn't going to change anything between us no matter what you're always going to be the father of our child in my heart and I-" I cut her off "Woah what do you mean 'always going to be the father in your heart'?" I asked she got me there what did she mean? "Niall is gonna help me raise the baby" She stuttered out "One of the boys?" I asked confused, she shook her head "Then what? Who? What are you saying?" I asked again frustrated "I'm saying you're replaced!" She raised her voice. My heart broke!! "Y-You replaced me?" I stuttered "Yes Jughead's gonna be the father of the ba-" She sighed getting cut off AGAIN "YOU REPLACED ME WITHE JUGHEAD!!! YOU'RE LETTING ANOTHER GUY WATCH OVER AND TAKE CARE OF MY CHILD?!" I yelled I can't believe her "You denied the child Niall so put this on yourself" She said pointing at me "I was stressed out and jealous of you and Jug spending alot of time together and you getting attitudes and the fight between me and Harry!" I confessed to her "I only wanted you you stupid Irish idjit! You know what?? I don't need you at all Jughead actually loves me and has a pair to step up and become a man and take care of a child unlike you you're a selfish bastard and I hate you!!" Dan yelled the last part. I stepped back from her a shocked look came upon both our faces "I can't believe you" I whispered to her "Niall I-" Her voice cracked, I shook my head "You don't need me and you hate m-me? And you b-basically just said I never truly loved you" I said looking at the ground tears filled my eyes "No Niall I didn't mean it" She cried out taking a step towards me, I stepped back "Don't come near me Danielle! You want to stand there and say I never actually loved you? You're the stupid one here, yeah I may have denied the baby because I was stressed out and jealous but you let another man take my place? I loved you and still do! I was there when Josh hit you, you were my first, I was loyal, I stood up for you when you weren't around, I got in a fight for you at the club because a guy was hitting on you and held a grip on you, even if I was mad at you or if you was mad at me I came to the house loyal! I could've slept with any girl or old friend but I didn't I came home to the girl who stole my heart and you START DOING AND SAYING THIS DANIELLE TO HELL WITH YOU!!" I yelled at her she stood there crying "I'm done I'll be at Justin's house call me whenever you start right and stop being stupid and when MY child arrives. Goodbye Danielle" I said walking off not paying any attention to her sobs I walked to my car and got in. I sighed running my hands through my hair "AAHHH SON OF A BITCH!!" I yelled out, I put the key in the ignition and left the park I couldn't believe her right now she replaced me with Jughead and tells me I never loved her! She's so brainwashed it's ridiculous but yet I love her still..

~Danielle's POV~

I watched him walk away, I was a mess but he had to know who replaced him I didn't like it either but oh well. I sighed and walked to my car "It's gonna be easy on you but hard on me but no matter what mommy loves you" I said looking at my flat stomach "I love you...Baby Horan" I whispered the last part a tear falling out of my eye. I drove home...

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